
Showing posts from July, 2011

python - wxpython, showing modal dialog one by one -

i have multi threaded wxpython app , main gui thread receives notification other threads show under modal dialog box. want kind of scheduling/queuing dialog should appear 1 after other if multiple notification (from other threads) comes @ same time. as each notification arrives add queue, (i.e. list), , each dialog closed remove notification queue , if not empty show next - and listen users complain . n.b. careful not situation spotted few times clicking on dismiss button caused notification. classic case error window reporting many error windows open.

Android ListView with main View - timeline effect - possible? -

how can create this? i want have "selected image" main view, , time line effect @ bottom; gallery work, has been deprecated . i'm thinking horizontalscrollview @ bottom, recycle view s properly? can implement viewholder pattern here? what stackview ? found this: cool, couldn't find lot of things stackview s online, i'm wondering how gets implemented? i solved problem using custom horizontal listview mukesh yadav i changed class use cursoradapter . my solution here: public class horizontalimageadapter extends cursoradapter { //...some initialization here public horizontalimageadapter(context context, cursor c, int count) { super(context, c, true); this.context = (activity) context; this.count = count; this.cursor = c; inflater = layoutinflater.from(context); ...

php - block access to file while using opendir/openfile etc -

i want deny access file data.xml functions file_exists/opendir/openfile etc my file test.php contains: $path="./mydata.html"; if ($handle = opendir($path)) { } closedir($handle); how make unreadable without blocking functions? possible? .htaccess? should block file via chmod set different user execute php script? other way? thanks the easiest way write function check filepath, , call (i.e.) sanitize_filepath($path) whenever accept user data or before every fopen() / opendir() / file_get_contents() . in sanitize_filepath() function, explode $path on path_separator , use in_array() check internal blacklist against provided path. return false or throw exception if don't watch continue, filepath or true if do. preventing access via .htaccess means cannot go , see file. still potentially access file exploiting php script if requested , assu...

ios - Sharing iCloud documents between apps -

i have 2 apps in app store use icloud. they're using different entitlement identifiers, i'd able access documents first app in second app. is possible add first app's ubiquity container identifier second app in order access first app's documents, without damaging ubiquity container that's in place second app? obviously should've had them share identifiers in first place, did not think of when apps first submitted. from docs, looks indeed possible want. see section configuring common ubiquity container multiple apps in icloud design guide, says in part: for example, provide free , paid version of app. you’d want users, upgrade, retain access icloud documents. or, perhaps provide 2 apps interoperate , need access each other’s files. in both of these examples, obtain needed access specifying common ubiquity container , requesting access each app. the section goes on explain how configure 1 of apps' containers common one: ...

mercurial - Git — tracking the moving of already tracked files -

mercurial has single command addr stages both added , removed paths, able track moving of given file different path in directory. to in git, find have use 2 separate commands: git add -u <path> will note disappearance of files original path, , then git add <path> will note appearance somewhere else. but there doesn't seem one-step equivalent mercurial's addr command. or mistaken? git has move command can used move files/folders: git mv <file or directory> <destination> you can use --all or -a flag of add update both new files , removed files in index git add -a from official linux kernel git documentation git add (emphasis mine): -a --all like -u , match <filepattern> against files in working tree in addition index. means it find new files staging modified content , removing files no longer in working tree .

PHP - lost reference in object array? -

i have array stores employee objects ie. var $this->employeearray = array(); $this->employeearray[] = $empobjecta; $this->employeearray[] = $empobjectb; ... which employee object has id, firstname, lastname etc. have function search employee object id. ie: public function searcharraybyid($id) { $targetobject = null; foreach($this->employeearray $e) { if ($id == $e->id) { $targetobject = $e; break; } }//foreach return $targetobject; } but when do: $targetemployee = $this->searcharraybyid(1); $targetemployee->firstname = "someothername"; and print_r($this->employeearray); that object inside array not being changed. try this, & prepended, pass reference. simplified search function. since dont know why isnt working you, because working me on 2 different servers without & can suggest 'safest' method => force references wherever poss...

c# - htmlagilitypack getting an element's node by the name -

how can node of element name. there getelementbyid, why no getelementbyname. element in question is: <select class="box1" name="day" tabindex="31"> … </select> i want able node. have no idea how. pete: please remove question has been answered. totally wrong go try yourself. not name of attribute 'name' tagname not need. you not accessing node attribute called "name" of "select" tags in descendants. using property name of tag ( correct approach can : document.documentnode.descendants("select").where(node => node.getattributevalue("name", "").equals("day", stringcomparison.invariantcultureignorecase));

windows 7 - VB6 Crystal Reports - Access Violation Application Crash -

background: our company uses crystal reports in our legacy product written in vb6 i'm performing maintenance duties for. its using version [rtm] no service packs. the problem: has worked on windows xp x86 date. in windows 7 [x86 , x64] access violation followed application crash , no further usable error information. the details: the application crashes large datasets report using active x viewer. visual studio crash whilst debugging. the offending code here: crv_obj(0).reportsource = crv_obj(0).enablepopupmenu = true crv_obj(0).viewreport i have checked that: crv_obj(0) valid object reference. valid reference. the information have event viewer: faulting application name: pyramid.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x51e53053 faulting module name: craxdrt.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x3a849e1a exception code: 0xc0000005 fault offset: 0x002ac3d1 faulting process id: 0x15a8 ...

if statement - Powershell Out-file with variable -

i'm trying write script check if string null , if output user name file can go , check file , see null. below code, script not writing out-file ideas? $user = "" #just gets users info $user_info = gam info user $user $suspended = $user_info | select-string -pattern "account suspended: true" if ($suspended = $null) { $user | out-file -filepath c:\scripts\not_suspended.txt -append -encoding utf8 } you assigning $null $suspended in if statement. use -eq instead comparison: if ($suspended -eq $null) { $user | out-file -filepath c:\scripts\not_suspended.txt -append -encoding utf8 }

C# CAML query to sharepoint returns all items in the list (instead of only ones that mach query value) -

i have following code in app pull details sharepoint list. string siteurl = "http://sharepointurl"; clientcontext clientcontext = new clientcontext(siteurl); clientcontext.credentials = new networkcredential("un", "pw", "domain"); sp.list olist = clientcontext.web.lists.getbytitle("licences"); camlquery camlquery = new camlquery(); camlquery.viewxml = "<where><eq><fieldref name='account' /><value type='text'>123456</value></eq></where>"; listitemcollection colllistitem = olist.getitems(camlquery); clientcontext.load(colllistitem); clientcontext.executequery(); console.writeline("filtered list: " + colllistitem.count.tostring() + "\n"); foreach (listitem olistitem in colllistitem) { console.writeline("account: {0} \nlicence: {...

php - do not reuse tab in case target is _BLANK -

i have 2 php pages: 1.home page 2.view page on home page have thumbnails of featuring items , each item has link view page, differentiated parameter. i.e.: viewpage.php?id=1, viewpage.php?id=2, etc... i use because need view pages open in new tabs or new browsers (doesn't matter which) as click on first item, view page opens in new tab; however, click on second item replaces tab of first item. how can force home page open each view page in new separate tab? i'm not asking, try javascript function instead. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('a[rel="_blank"]').click(function(){$(this).attr('href')); return false; }); }); </script>

python - Comparing file creation date -

i trying archive old files based on creation date. have data starting 12-17-2010 setting base date , incrementing there. here code import os, time, tarfile datetime import datetime, date, timedelta import datetime path = "/home/appins/.scripts/test/" count = 0 set_date = '2010-12-17' date = datetime.datetime.strptime(set_date, '%y-%m-%d') while (count < 2): date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) tar_file = "nas_archive_"+date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')+".tgz" log_file = "archive_log_"+date.strftime('%m-%d-%y') fcount = 0 f = open(log_file,'ab+') #print date.strftime('%m-%d-%y') root, subfolders, files in os.walk(path): file in files: file = os.path.join(root,file) file = os.path.join(path, file) filecreation = os.path.getctime(file) print datetime.fromtimestamp(filecreation)," file creation date" ...

openCV cvSaveImage and cvCvtColor crash on android -

i'm working on android version 2.3.5 , 4.0.4 both version crash on execution of same code. have been trying frame video, save it, , convert hsv. (i posted same question on opencv website here ) this code , error get. public void process(){ iplimage orgimg = this.getframe(2); cvsaveimage(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().tostring() + "/opencv/orgimg.jpg", orgimg); iplimage hsv = hsv(orgimg); } private iplimage getframe(int id){ file testfile = new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getabsolutepath() + videofile); if(testfile.canread()){ ffmpegframegrabber grabber = new ffmpegframegrabber(testfile); try { grabber.start(); grabber.setframenumber(id); final int height=grabber.getimageheight(); final int width=grabber.getimagewidth(); ipli...

php - Unable to make a file auto-download from an FTP server when script is run -

i attempting write php page takes variable filename within ftp , download it. however, not seem work. function (ftp_get) returning true echo statement being run, nothing else happens , there no errors in console. <?php $file = $_get['file']; $ftp_server = ""; $ftp_user_name = "user"; $ftp_user_pass = "pass"; // set connection or die $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("couldn't connect $ftp_server"); // login username , password $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass); if (ftp_get($conn_id, $file, $file, ftp_binary)) { echo "successfully written $file\n"; } else { echo "there problem\n"; } ?> ideally, link them to: , download file them, however, shows them contents of file in browser rather downloading it. i've gone through php manual site reading ftp functions , believe ftp_get correct 1 i'm suppose...

r - Expand spacing between tick marks on x axis -

i want expand spacing between tick marks on x axis in r. i have years on x axis c(2005:2012) , 1 value per year on y axis. say: a <- c(5,4,6,7,3,8,4,2) b <- c(2005:2012) plot(b, a, type="l") i need expand spacing between each tick mark in order "stretch" plot horizontally better overview. @ end of r knowledge , haven't found in internet, please help. use standard graphic packages of r. it's not plot function determines aspect ratio of interactive plotting device. each of 3 major branches of r has own default interactive device: macs has quartz() , windows have (i thought window() checking page wrong, , checking ?dev.interactive revealed correct function windows() ), , linux, x11() or x11() . if want open device different dimension default, need issue command different height , width values default (or can stretch existing window if gui supports action): quartz(height = 5, width = 10) <- c(5,4,6,7,3,8,4,2) b <- c(20...

java - How do I lose focus on a JComboBox? -

i have jcombobox key listener. when hit <enter> , fire off action, and need to lose focus on jcombobox ! to focus on it, can jcomboboxobject.grabfocus(); but doing transferfocus() focus next element (i don't care focus goes, away combo box) not work. doing grabfocus() combo box works, seems pretty annoying hack me. there better solution? i can suggest first use .getnextfocusablecomponent() and use the .requestfocusinwindow() that means implementing this, jcombobox.getnextfocusablecomponent().requestfocusinwindow(); one important note .getnextfocusablecomponent() has become obsolete can work better, can use if have other solution, prefer not using this.

python - A* pathfinding on 2D grid doesn't find optimal path -

i trying implement a* algorithm on 2d square grid. however, never finds optimal path, , can't see why. code suspiciously slow, python. i've tried anything, i'm out of ideas. this have far: file end = none nlut = [ (1,0) , (0,1) , (-1,0) , (0,-1) ] class tile: def __init__(self,x,y,g=0,parent=none): self.x = x self.y = y self.g = g self.parent = parent def __eq__(self,other): if other == none: return false return ( (self.x == other.x) , (self.y == other.y)) def __ne__(self,other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.x,self.y)) def __str__(self): if self.parent == none: sss = "" else: sss = " <- "+str(self.parent.coords()) return "<"+str(self.x)+"."+str(self.y)+"g"+str(self.g)+">"+sss def __repr__(self): ...

PHP Contact Form won't send from mobile device -

i pulled code off site use in various forms on website. had friend text me today saying "hey tried contact through website." set off alarm in head... "you tried?" went heavy test mode, , seems thing forms don't emailed account when submit them phone. worst part site treats submit if form sent. there no error message. here code: ` $email_to = ""; $email_subject = "contact form message - opti print , design"; function died($error) { echo "we sorry, there error(s) found form submitted. "; echo "these errors appear below.<br /><br />"; echo $error."<br /><br />"; echo "please go , fix these errors.<br /><br />"; die(); } if(!isset($_post['username']) || !isset($_post['usercompany']) || !isset($_...

ssh tunnel - What is the best way to connect to a remote database server that can only be accessed from a different ec2 instance? -

how go connecting database can accessed through ssh tunnel ec2 instance. current route be: my ubuntu laptop -> ec2 instance -> postgres database server i have complete control on ec2 instance. i have access port 5432 of remote database server via ec2 instance. lives on different server. i have been accessing database using terminal prefer lazy , use pgadmin or razorsql. assuming can ssh tunnel ec2 instance, sort of port forward database server haven’t been able beyond ssh tunnel. a double hop ssh tunnel not work because don’t have ssh access db server. thanks! you want - ec2-dbserver database server (inside ec2), , ec2-host host can ssh2. you should able point pgadmin-iii localhost:5432 ssh -l 5432:ec2-dbserver:5432 user@ec2-host

r - How to make syntactically correct names -

how can modify add _ (underscore) in place of . (dot) default value. > make.names(c("a , b", "a-and-b"), unique = true) [1] "a.and.b" "a.and.b.1" looking following result "a_and_b" "a_and_b_1" you enclose make.names gsub : gsub("\\.", "_", make.names(c("a , b", "a-and-b"), unique = true)) # [1] "a_and_b" "a_and_b_1"

utf 8 - Using Turkish Chars on HTML page -

i think charset:windows-1254 should make turkish chars available on page dont come, here full code: <html><head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"> <title>marmara Ä°nÅŸaat</title> </head> <body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="img/topbkg.gif"> <tr> <td width="50%"><img border="0" src="img/toplogo.gif" width="142" height="66"></td> <td width="50%"> <p align="right"><img border="0" src="img/topright.gif" width="327" height="66"> <...

In Unity3D, using Time.DeltaTime doesn't result in framerate independence -

i'm trying lerp items across specified distance on determined amount of time. i'm using time.deltatime achieve framerate independence. however, when forcing lag of performance intensive function (drops framerate theoretical 10-15fps), objects move slower should, though should move in constant time, independent of framerate (they take twice long, 4s instead of 2s). what's stranger calculated fps (1.0f/time.deltatime) stays constant (approx. 66 fps). when show time took lerp finish (adding time.deltatimes), shows 2 seconds (which desired time, actual time took @ least 2x that). can me figure out what's going on? var starttime = 0.0; while(starttime < 2.0){ yield; starttime += time.deltatime; transform.localposition = vector3.lerp(vector3(0.0,0.0,0.0), vector3(0.0,10.0,0.0), starttime/2.0); } check in project time settings (under edit->project settings->time) if maximum allowed timestep high enough. value shou...

interface - Costumize searchable dictionary for android4.0 -

i creating android dictionary android 4.0/later, using dictionary sample that. when enter word show drop down,i want work normal how can stop drop down , make work normal dictionary android 4.0. can make searchview fill_parent. please me , tell me source can me.

html - node.js script fails to GET static files -

i have basic html index.html handful of containers, , add bootstrap , font awesome folders <head> section of file. such as: <link href="../bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="../bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet"> then, wrote web.js script first initialize server , add folders containing static files, in way: var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var fs = require('fs'); var buf = fs.readfilesync("index.html"); app.use(express.logger()); app.get('/', function(request, response) { response.send(buf.tostring()); }); app.configure(function(){ app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/assets')); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/bootstrap')); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/font-awesome')); }...

spring - Error: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect) -

i have following action: def index() { user.withnewtransaction { def user = user.get(params.userid) = "test" response.setcontenttype("image/gif") response.outputstream << pixel_bytes_of_a_gif_image return } } when running, following error: message executing action [index] of controller [test.testcontroller] caused exception: runtime error executing action caused row updated or deleted transaction (or unsaved-value mapping incorrect): [test.user#1] why error happen? thought withnewtransaction prevent error. you can use pessimistic locking use: user user = user.lock(params.userid) or user user = user.findbyid(params.userid, [lock: true]) mvc - VB.Net MVC4 Advanced entity creation on form submit w/jQuery -

i have form submitting collection of timeitems (a table object), going added database. problem encountering want allow user add many or few timeitems want collection before submittal. timeitem's input fields consist of hidden input foreign key, combo box select employee, , basic input box enter notes in. view, javascript: <div> <img src="" alt="add row" id="add-timesheet-row" /> @using html.beginform("addtotimesheet", "project") @<div> <input type="hidden" name="timeitems[0].taskid" value="@model.taskid"/> <select name="timeitems[0].employeeid"> @for each emp selectlistitem in viewbag.employeeid @<option value="@emp.value">@emp.text</option> next </select> <input type="text" name="timeitems[...

version control - How can I use git grep as effectively as possible? -

i know can use fgrep search fast without using regexes. can use grep search regexes. seems git grep lot faster these options when use in git repos. need guidance on how use in order more productive. right not thing git grep string in files. want how can improve myself , exploit git grep better? here's 1 way can make git grep faster in cases: it comes fixed strings flag : -f --fixed-strings use fixed strings patterns (don’t interpret pattern regex). so if don't need use regex multiple forms of pattern (i.e. need exact match), use this.

How to do proxy setting in Android Virtual machine -

i use proxy connection connect internet. i installed android in vmware workstation using iso found here . everything went smooth including dhcp ip allocation , settings. can't figure out way setup proxy setting in android. know dhcp settings correct because able surf local intranet sites. now, tried setting environmental variables of proxy (http / / user:pass@server:port) in debian/freebsd/redhat no help. googled , found way use applications configure proxy. needs device rooted. , can't figure out how root virtual machine tutorials device , emulaters. so, how can setup proxy setting in virtual machine. or how root virtual machine. it seems android not capable of picking proxy dhcp - researched myself. using isc dhcpd settings working fine windows guests android virtual machine totally unable pick proxy. can security "bug/feature", it's bogus one, imho... maybe dns-based auto-discovery method you? aware of fact, dns-based proxy discovery not sy...

How can I use PHP to return database data to an existing HTML page? -

i new php. know little javascript, html, mysql , lots of non-web computer programming. i know how create html page form, use button call external php file (with $_post) sends email , records forms data (names , email addresses) mysql database. now, i'd create new html page calls external php file (so code hidden) return mysql data (names , email addresses) display on existing html page (with css formatting , menus). in otherwise, i'd modify existing html page data (but hide php code in external file). if can done (i'm new this), can please giving me @ least general idea can build upon it. textbooks i've flipped through explain how "echo" data screen (a blank screen) .php extension in address bar. thank time , help. appreciate it! since have html echo part, you'll need plug database. using orm can this. php, recommend starting propel: once bit more comfortable that, might want try using php framework, sym...

Android Imageview displays old bitmap after screen rotates -

my app supposed first displays image, when button pressed, image displayed in image view. however, when screen rotated, imageview displays old image. how should go fixing this? (bits bitmap loaded imageview on create) my code below: rgbtobitmap(rgb.getwindow(), bits); //this loads new image bits imageview.setimagebitmap(bits); i suppose setting first image of imageview in oncreate or onstart method of activity. upon rotating screen, oncreate , onstart methods called again, , therefore imageview displays first image again. in order save activity state, have @ this: this possible solution: bitmap image = null; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); image = (bitmap) getlastnonconfigurationinstance(); if(bitmap == null){ image = downloadimage(); } setimage(bitmap); } @override p...

java - 404 error not mapping with error page -

i have configure web.xml follow: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation="" version="2.5"> <!-- config here. --> <servlet> <servlet-name>springconfig</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.dispatcherservlet</servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>springconfig</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.htm</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <context-param> <param-name>contextconfiglocation</param-name> <param-value>classpath: springconfig.xml</param-value> ...

php - #CodeIgniter Sending each "checked" check box values from multiple checkboxes to the database? -

i have populated check boxes database follows... view: <div class="control-group warning"> <label for="room_number" class="control-label">room number: </label> <div class="controls"> <?php foreach ($query->result_array() $row): { ?> <input type="checkbox" name="room_number" id="room_number" value="<?php echo $row['room_number'];?>" style="margin:10px" /><?php echo $row['room_number'];?><br> <?php } ?> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php echo form_error('room_number'); ?> </div> </div> * now when user submits form, need populate database table, each row "checked" checkbox. however, code/ method below submits single row. * controller: foreach($this->input->post('room_number') $rm){ // 118 $newreservation = array ( ...

java - Assert vs Exceptions -

i have read information on when use assert , when use exception. unclear me why ? eg: assertions intended used solely means of detecting programming errors, aka bugs. contrast, exception can indicate other kinds of error or "exceptional" condition; e.g. invalid user input, missing files, heap full , on. now: "assertions intended used solely means of detecting programming errors, aka bugs "- whats harm asserts replaced exceptions ? exceptions same thing ? "assert debugging purpose , trigger condition should not happen." - : if use exceptions execptions exceptions never thrown from understanding exceptions can asserts except cannot disabled. disabling asserts reason why should used ? is there reason why use them rather when use them ? thanks i see 2 use cases assertions in production code: at beginning of method normaly check if given parameter valid. public methods use if statments , exceptions. private methods make simelar check...

c# - Counting the Words in a String from a file -

i have small console application working on, , returns several 0's instead of actual count of words. have noticed in regards logic flawed since counting spaces. not count last word in string. suggestions on how fix code. thanks. static void main() { bool fileexists = false; string filepath = environment.getfolderpath(environment.specialfolder.mydocuments); string file = filepath + @"\wordcount.txt"; fileexists = file.exists(file); if (fileexists) { console.writeline("{0} contains following", file); console.writeline(file.readalllines(file)); foreach (char words in file) { int stringcount = 0; if (words == ' ') { stringcount++; } console.writeline(stringcount); } } else { console.writeline("t...

perl - What is this regex substitution "$content =~ s/\n-- \n.*?$//s" actually doing? -

i working through perl code in request tracker 4.0 , have encountered error ticket requestor's message cut off. new perl, have done work regular expressions, i'm having trouble 1 after reading quite bit. i have narrowed problem down line of code: $content =~ s/\n-- \n.*?$//s i don't understand doing , better explanation. i understand s/ / matching pattern \n-- \n.*?$ , replacing nothing. i don't understand .*?$ does. here basic understanding: . character except \n * 0 or more times of preceding character ? 0 or 1 times of preceding character $ end of string then, understand, final s makes . match new lines so, roughly, we're replacing text beginning \n-- \n - line of code causing questionable behavior i'd love sorted out if can explain what's going on here. can explain line doing? removing text after first \n-- \n or there more it? long winded part / real-life issue (you don't need read answer question) my ex...

iframe - Login into multiple framed or unframed outside pages using single login entry splash page -

have page has 3 vendor related login pages iframed in. clients times given same login information 3 of these outside pages, have login 3 times use them. there easy way or best practice set login splash form feeds login information these frames, or new loaded portals vendor pages don't have end user doesn't have work 3 times. main page these presently being iframed in: under menu titles weblink login carrier upload e-tracker & &

jax ws - publicly available java secure web service -

i trying write web service client using jax-ws secured webservice hosted third party. while doing so, facing lot of issues , somehow wanted find out if issue client or hosted web service. do have publicly available , free secure web services on internet? can find many non secure services. have @ url: ... can find bunch of published webservices.

iphone - [__NSCFNumber length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance -

i trying pass data table view controller detail view controller. every entry of table works should, except one. here prepareforsegue method: - (void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{ if ([[segue identifier] isequaltostring:@"showdetails"]) { nsindexpath *indexpath = [[self tableview] indexpathforselectedrow]; nsdictionary *notification = [[self notifications] objectatindex:[indexpath row]]; nrdetailviewcontroller *destviewcontroller = [segue destinationviewcontroller]; [destviewcontroller setdate:[notification objectforkey:@"date"]]; [destviewcontroller setfrom:[notification objectforkey:@"from"]]; [destviewcontroller setiden:[notification objectforkey:@"identifier"]]; [destviewcontroller setpriority:[notification objectforkey:@"priority"]]; [destviewcontroller setsubject:[notification objectforkey:@"subject"]]; [destv...

python - django installing dependencies from git -

is there way tell django install dependencies through external repositories? example, i'd not keep twitter-bootstrap code downloaded repository, i'd define github link , fetch automatically through shell command. silimiar collectstatic . know can write own, maybe there's built-in or implemented? python modules can install directly git. example: pip install -e git+git:// for frontend modules can use tools bower . installing twitter bootstrap: bower install bootstrap both tools has config files, can used track dependencies.

Facebook Graph API - Get list of id's and names that have liked a post -

using facebook graph api, how list of people have liked specific item (say post)? doing call /item_id/?fields=likes using graph explorer i'm able see list of names in [data] array, but, when call website doesn't display names, shows count value. i'm thinking it's 1 of 2 things, i'm not sure: i'm using wrong access token. i'm using extended 1 fan page post on. facebook doesn't give out info (or fan page) isn't owner of original post. (i'm 1 made post.) is there way list of user names , user id's have liked post, , if so, what's required so? there 2 reasons- you access token not correct. need read_stream permission getting posts. you not parsing resulted json correctly.

PHP Form Html form error -

this question has answer here: php login form issue coding 4 answers i've made login form , im receive few errors, here website ive put php code html form , css desighn you can view code @ (full) if($_post['myusername']){$myusername=$_post['myusername'];} if($_post['mypassword']){$mypassword=$_post['mypassword'];} instead of $myusername=$_post['myusername']; $mypassword=$_post['mypassword']; also can use: if($_post['submit']){ if($_post['myusername']){$myusername=$_post['myusername'];} if($_post['mypassword']){$mypassword=$_post['mypassword']; } }

R: Equivalent command to Matlab's keyboard function? -

does r provide similar command debugging matlab's keyboard ? this command provides interactive shell , can used in function. gives access variables allowing 1 verify input data should (or test why it's not working expected). makes debugging lot easier (at least in matlab...). it sounds you're looking browser() . from description: a call ‘browser’ can included in body of function. when reached, causes pause in execution of current expression , allows access r interpreter. it sounds you're new debugging in r might want read hadley's wiki page on debugging .

ruby on rails - Is there a way to exempt files / folders from Coveralls test coverage scoring? -

my team using in our ci process give rspec coverage score. we're using activeadmin gem internal use , decision made not cover activeadmin functionality in our test coverage. know how can exempt /app/admin folder coveralls doesn't drag our score down? how able solve this: added file '.simplecov' project root in '.simplecov' added code: require 'simplecov' require 'coveralls' simplecov.formatter = coveralls::simplecov::formatter simplecov.start add_filter 'app/admin' end basic instructions on functionality described @

sql - using a lookup table on a form with Oracle Apex Item -

i have application uses oracle apex 4.2 . has form ( form , report on table) needs display descriptions columns on table. instance, there column on table called fund has numeric value ( 1 6). there separate table gives description each of these 6 values. under edit page item, under source, chose source type -> sql query entered query below: select description "#owner#"."bu19ant", "#owner#"."fundcd" antfundcd = code where bu19ant table used form fundcd name of table antfundcd , code , numeric fields on respective tables , description value want , display on form. this gives me correct answer of time, not time. key table ( , field used link report form) soc security number. if run same query against oracle table hard coding ss number, correct answer. this form has 5 ups work way , have same problem. assume dont need include social security number part of query apex knows that. but tried add , can not figure out how co...