google apps script - SELECT or Filter from JSON(?) Array -
i have call large json data set. has multiple items , each item has multiple pieces of information. want output 1 item's single piece of information. need filter down information 1 item or use select statement such might in sql. tried following, receive error: error: typeerror: cannot find function filter in object [object object]. (line 28, file "gwspidy api") . can't life of me figure out how boil data down 1 item. hard test code in google apps scripting. function test3(itemid) { var myurl = ""; var jsondata = urlfetchapp.fetch(myurl); var jsonstring = jsondata.getcontenttext(); var jsonarray = json.parse(jsonstring).result; var jsonfilter = jsonarray.filter(function(itemid,jsonarray){if(jsonarray.data_id.match(itemid)) {return itemid;}}); var adjustedvalue = (jsonfilter.min_sale_unit_price / 100); return adjustedvalue; } also, secondary question regards cache service. asked previou...