ios - itunesconnect, App size after upload dosent make sense -

ive uploaded update app 2 days ago, should 9.0 mg, after submitting it shows 1.11 mg, i've called apple developer support, told me following:

  • reject current build , upload new 1 - didn't work
  • upload using xcode 5.1 instead of xcode 6 gm seed - didn't work
  • upload more 1 build, , switch between them - didn't work

so nothing worked apple, told if i'm sure i've uploaded correct build not worry, might bug system.

now ive uploaded update app, , faced same issue, app size 2.1 instead of 16.5, i've decided use testflight beta testing, requires ios 8, i've updated iphone ios 8 beta, , once i've sent link mobile, i've found app size 2.1 !!, and every time try install app, says expired, didn't see app working on phone appstore new build testing.

at end, i've decided search on google again more results, "ive tried search issue 3-4 days ago no results came", , found people got invalid binary after submitting app "1-3 days", can check these links: link 1, link 2.

nothing found gave accurate answer case.

anyone faced same issue?? should do??

my first app approved apple , seems ok, app size changed correct 1 "9.0" mb, , app working expected on device.

so seems size issue related apple, have bug on itunesconnect.

so don't worry size issue anymore.


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