ios - CoreData-Project with two entities -
this question has answer here: new core data, getting error in persistentstorecoordinator 1 answer i've 2 tableviews in app , user should able add objects both of them. 1 tableview works fine (there's 1 coredata entity ). when add entity , same things 1 tableview, xcode shows me error. the output is: unresolved error error domain=nscocoaerrordomain code=134100 "the operation couldn’t completed. (cocoa error 134100.)" userinfo=0x10333d80 {metadata={ nspersistenceframeworkversion = 419; nsstoremodelversionhashes = { buy = <883135e4 2884b0ed 4bb8fc1c 7d56c229 fbae3090 91be719d 73ac5d66 65e70b18>; }; nsstoremodelversionhashesversion = 3; nsstoremodelversionidentifiers = ( "" ); nsstoretype = sqlite; nsstoreuuid = "..."; "_nsautovacuumlevel" = 2; }, reaso...