c# - How to set Textbox's Text as an querystring argument for LinkButton without having codebhind file? -
i having user control file without codebehind file in dotnentnuke. in have put form in have 1 textbox , 1 linkbutton. i want pass textbox's value when press button querystring access in page. for have written following code not work. <asp:textbox id="txtemail" runat="server" class="txtbox" placeholder="enter email here"></asp:textbox> <asp:linkbutton id="linkbutton1" class="lbsubscrb" runat="server" postbackurl="~/portals/_default/skins/gravity/dummy.aspx?add=<% txtemail.text %>" forecolor="white">subscribe</asp:linkbutton> all answers appreciated... it sounds need own custom module, instead of trying take existing module, without source code, , make different? that being said, if want take existing module , make that, jquery going method of choice. basically wan hijack ...