java - Libgdx - Box2D: Attach Physics Body Editor Loader mask to dynamic texture -
i have texture of circle, gets drawn new position when touch drag occurs. isn’t set body.
i have made physics map using aurelien ribon's physics body editor loader gui circle's upper , lower part, , i’d draw mask on texture’s position, , new position when drag occurs.
how can this? in create method initialize variables, mask gets drawn texture’s initial position, when move mask stays @ circle’s initial position.
here's code:
//... rest of method ommited clarity karika = gameworld.getkarika(); world world = new world(new vector2(0, 0), false); box2ddebugrenderer renderer = new box2ddebugrenderer(); bodyeditorloader karikaloader = new bodyeditorloader(gdx.files.internal("data/collision-masks/karika.json")); bodydef karikadef = new bodydef(); karikadef.type = bodytype.dynamicbody; karikadef.position.set(karika.getposition().x, karika.getposition().y); karikadef.angle = karika.getrotation(); body karikabody = world.createbody(karikadef); fixturedef karikafixture = new fixturedef(); karikafixture.density = 0.5f; karikafixture.friction = 0.8f; karikafixture.restitution = 0.6f; karikaloader.attachfixture(karikabody, "karika", karikafixture, karika.getwidth()); vector2 karikabodyorigin = karikaloader.getorigin("karika", karika.getwidth()).cpy(); //rest of method ommited clarity
my render()
//... batch.begin(); batch.draw(karikatexture, karika.getposition().x, karika.getposition().y, karika.getwidth() / 2, karika.getheight() / 2, karika.getwidth(), karika.getheight(), 1, 1, karika.getrotation(), 0, 0, karikatexture.getwidth(), karikatexture.getheight(), false, false); batch.end(); renderer.render(world, cam.combined); world.step(1 / 60f, 6, 2); //...
the texture being drawn in render method circle's texture. said before, haven't set body, collision mask.
what i'd do, attach mask texture, , keep it's position, example when drag circle, mask should stay on circle.
look debugrenderer. works well, , precisely you're asking.
here's how use it.
debugrenderer.render(, camera.combined);
and here's a more thorough tutorial.
i recommend assign circle's position using physics object's position rather trying assign physics object texture's position.
in code, looks create karikabody
using current position of karika
, karikabody
position never being updated after that. "collision mask" (your physics body) position never changes.
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