Sending mail via Java API: How to send the mail even if attachment fails? -

this code:

try {     mimemessage message = new mimemessage(session);     message.setfrom(new internetaddress(from));     message.addrecipient(, new internetaddress(to));     message.setsubject(messagesubject);     message.settext(messagebody);      bodypart messagebodypart1 = new mimebodypart();     messagebodypart1.settext(messagebody);     mimebodypart messagebodypart2 = new mimebodypart();     string filename = attachment;     datasource source = new filedatasource(filename);     messagebodypart2.setdatahandler(new datahandler(source));     messagebodypart2.setfilename(filename);     multipart multipart = new mimemultipart();     multipart.addbodypart(messagebodypart1);     multipart.addbodypart(messagebodypart2);         message.setcontent(multipart );      transport.send(message); } catch (messagingexception mex) {     mex.printstacktrace(); } 

how can still send email if mail attachment fails reason? atm if attachment fails, email not sent, bad in case. should use try/catch statement , should have well? im new java (3-4 weeks)

edit: changed code this, didnt work

try {     mimemessage message = new mimemessage(session);     message.setfrom(new internetaddress(from));     message.addrecipient(, new internetaddress(to));     message.setsubject(messagesubject);     message.settext(messagebody);      try {         bodypart messagebodypart1 = new mimebodypart();         messagebodypart1.settext(messagebody);         mimebodypart messagebodypart2 = new mimebodypart();         string filename = attachment;         datasource source = new filedatasource(filename);         messagebodypart2.setdatahandler(new datahandler(source));         messagebodypart2.setfilename(filename);         multipart multipart = new mimemultipart();         multipart.addbodypart(messagebodypart1);         multipart.addbodypart(messagebodypart2);             message.setcontent(multipart);     } catch (exception e) {         message.settext(messagebody2);         e.printstacktrace();     }      transport.send(message);  } catch (messagingexception mex) {     mex.printstacktrace(); } 

yes. expect able (pseudo-code follows)

try {    // set standard message    try {      // perform attachment    }    catch {      // perhaps amend original message indicate attachment failed    }    send(); } catch {   // handle complete failure here... } 

although i'd concentrate on why attachment fails. make sense ?

you may take approach of building/sending in 2 different methods, such don't have clean / modify message in face of failure. may cleaner approach e.g. (pseudo-code again)

try {    sendmessagewithattachment(); } catch {    sendmessagewithoutattachment(); } 


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