cd - chdir() in C++ Getting Errors -

i trying run minimal terminal shell program through socket on unix machine. when use system("cd directory") doesn't work. did bit of research , came across chdir(), looked work. when tried it, though, gave me errors every single time. here code:

if (chdir(argument) < 0) {      send(sock, "[*] directory not exits!\n", strlen("[*] directory not exits!\n"), 0); } else {     string argumentstring(argument);     string entiremessage = "[*] new working directory: " + argumentstring;     char entiremessagechar[64];     int i;     (i = 0; entiremessage[i] != '\0'; i++) {         entiremessagechar[i] = entiremessage[i];     }     send(sock, &entiremessage, strlen(entiremessagechar), 0); } 

could please tell me why chdir() isn't changing directories? thanks.

the value of errno after chdir() has exited needs checked determine why doesn't work.

likely exit status values include:

  • eaccess (no permission target)
  • enoent (file not exist)
  • enotdir (target file, not directory).

check documentation operating system's implementation complete list.


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