button - How to add soundButton(on&off) on a activity in android apps? -

i have created branch activity .now wanted add 2 button on branch activity. when click on 'sound on' button beep sound on start , when clicked on 'sound off' beep sound off. , hide simultaneously.


my code on activity

@override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { // todo auto-generated method stub super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.sound_layout);          soundbttnon =(button) findviewbyid(r.id.soundbttnon);     soundbttnon.setonclicklistener(             new onclicklistener(){                 @override                 public void onclick(view v) {                     startmediaplayer();                 }             }         );      soundbttnoff =(button) findviewbyid(r.id.soundbttnoff);     soundbttnoff.setonclicklistener(             new onclicklistener(){                  @override                 public void onclick(view v) {                     stopmediaplayer();                 }             }         );     }       private void startmediaplayer() {         mediaplayer = mediaplayer.create(soundlayout.this,r.raw.keybutton5);         mediaplayer.start();     }      private void stopmediaplayer() {         if( mediaplayer != null ) {             mediaplayer mp = null;             mp.stop();             mp.release();         }     } 

it showing no problem not working too..:p..i not able implement sound.

you can simple google search find tons of samples adding button. playing sound file check out mediaplayer class.

button startbtn, stopbtn; //get reference of button ....  final mediaplayer mp = new mediaplayer(); startbtn.onclicklistener() {     public void onclick(view v) {         try {             mp.setdatasource(path+"/"+audio.mp3);             mp.prepare();             mp.start();         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     } };    stopbtn.onclicklistener() {      public void onclick(view v) {               if(mp.isplaying()) {                     mp.stop();                     //hide buttons                     stopbtn.setvisibiltiy(view.gone);                     startbtn.setvisibility(view.gone);         }         } }; 

ps: on , off, don't need 2 buttons, 1 button.


for single button, use playing state of media player deciding action take on button click.

singlebtn.onclicklistener() {     public void onclick(view v) {         try {             if(mp.isplaying()) mp.stop();             else {                 mp.setdatasource(path+"/"+audio.mp3);                 mp.prepare();                 mp.start();             }         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     } };   


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