java - How do we know threadPoolExecutor has finished execution -
i have parent thread sends messages mq , manages threadpoolexecutor worker threads listen mq , writes message output file. manage threadpool of size 5. when run program, have 5 files messages. works fine until here. need merge these 5 files in parent thread.
how know threadpoolexecutor finished processing can start merging files.
public class parentthread { private messagesender messagesender; private messagereciever messagereciever; private queue jmsqueue; private queue jmsreplyqueue; executorservice exec = executors.newfixedthreadpool(5); public void sendmessages() { system.out.println("sending"); file xmlfile = new file("c:/filename.txt"); list<string> lines = null; try { lines = fileutils.readlines(xmlfile, null); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } (string line : lines){ messagesender.sendmessage(line, this.jmsqueue, this.jmsreplyqueue); } int count = 0; while (count < 5) { messagesender.sendmessage("stop", this.jmsqueue, this.jmsreplyqueue); count++; } } public void listenmessages() { long finishdate = new date().gettime(); (int = 0; < 5; i++) { worker worker = new worker(i, this.messagereciever, this.jmsreplyqueue); exec.execute(worker); } exec.shutdown(); if(exec.isterminated()){ //problem here. control never gets here. long currenttime = new date().gettime() - finishdate; system.out.println("time taken: "+currenttime); mergefiles(); } } }
this worker class
public class worker implements runnable { private boolean stop = false; private messagereciever messagereciever; private queue jmsreplyqueue; private int processid; private int count = 0; private string message; private file outputfile; private filewriter outputfilewriter; public worker(int processid, messagereciever messagereciever, queue jmsreplyqueue) { this.processid = processid; this.messagereciever = messagereciever; this.jmsreplyqueue = jmsreplyqueue; } public void run() { openoutputfile(); listenmessages(); } private void listenmessages() { while (!stop) { string message = messagereciever.receivemessage(null,this.jmsreplyqueue); count++; string s = "message: " + message + " recieved by: " + processid + " total recieved: " + count; system.out.println(s); writeoutputfile(s); if (stringutils.isnotempty(message) && message.equals("stop")) { stop = true; } } } private void openoutputfile() { try { outputfile = new file("c:/mahi/test", "file." + processid); outputfilewriter = new filewriter(outputfile); } catch (ioexception e) { system.out.println("exception while opening file"); stop = true; } } private void writeoutputfile(string message) { try { outputfilewriter.write(message); outputfilewriter.flush(); } catch (ioexception e) { system.out.println("exception while writing file"); stop = true; } } }
how know when threadpool has finished processing can other clean work?
something this:
exec.shutdown(); // waiting executors finish jobs while (!exec.awaittermination(50, timeunit.milliseconds)); // perform clean work
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