javascript - drag tail(arrow) of Speech bubble on div border -

i creating speech bubble , want drag tip of speech bubble around corner of bubble mouse. should rotate automatically depending on side on. tail moving must in direction mean should draggable side of divs 1 side , must on mouse can drag tail using mouse ever want bt should across border only..plz give solution.

it speech bubble css:-

 .speechbubble {                 position: absolute;                 background: red;                 border: 1px solid #f2f2f2;                 opacity: 0.9;                 top: 58px;                 left: 18px;                 width: 153px;                 height: 40px;                 min-width: 47px;                 min-height: 38px;                 position: absolute;             }    .speechbubble:after, .speechbubble:before {                 top: 100%;                 border: solid transparent;                 content: " ";                 height: 0;                 width: 0;                 position: absolute;                 pointer-events: none;             }    .speechbubble:after {                 border-top-color: red;                 border-width: 12px;                 left: 50%;                 margin-left: -14px;             } <div class="speechbubble"></div> 


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