c# - Modified Data Table -

for example have table

employeename     empoyeeid john mark        60001 bent ting        60002 don  park        60003 

how can show employeeid have leading asterisk in data table? sample: *60001 *60002 *60003

  public datatable listofemployee()     {         dataset ds = null;         sqldataadapter adapter;         try         {             using (sqlconnection mydatabaseconnection = new sqlconnection(myconnectionstring.connectionstring))             {                  mydatabaseconnection.open();                 using (sqlcommand mysqlcommand = new sqlcommand("select * employee", mydatabaseconnection))                 {                     ds = new dataset();                     adapter = new sqldataadapter(mysqlcommand);                    adapter.fill(ds, "users");                 }             }         }          catch (exception ex)         {             throw new exception(ex.message);         }         return ds.tables[0];     } 

i need show datatable in crystal report leading asterisk in employee id

public void employees()     {         reportdocument rptdoc = new reportdocument();         employees ds = new employees(); // .xsd file name         datatable dt = new datatable();          // set name of data table         dt.tablename = "employees";         dt = listofemployee(); //this function located below function         ds.tables[0].merge(dt);          string strreportname = "employees.rpt";         string strpath = application.startuppath + "\\reports\\" + strreportname;         // .rpt file path below         rptdoc.load(strpath);          //set dataset report viewer.         rptdoc.setdatasource(ds);          reportviewer newreportviewer = new reportviewer();         newreportviewer.setreport(rptdoc);         newreportviewer.show();     } 

the easiest not best way data in format, if , if not meant used anywhere else. can in query

select '*'+id,col1,col2,col3 employee 

though best way modify column value when consume it. more headache adding in query.


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