How to create reusable AngularJs directives that copy existing directives -
i in process of creating few reusable directives common controls in our application.
for example have snip-it of html amount text boxes
<div class='amount'> <input type='text' ng-model='dollars'/> </div>
from there started create directive:
app.directive("amount", function(){ return { restrict: "e", template: "<div class='amount'><input type='text'/></div>", replace: true } });
which renders following <html/>
<div class="amount ng-pristine ng-valid" ng-model="dollars"> <input type="text"> </div>
now ng-model
on <div/>
not want, need create scope , attach ngmodel
, things happy again.
app.directive("amount", function(){ return { restrict: "e", scope:{ ngmodel: "=" }, template: "<div class='amount'><input type='text' ng-model='ngmodel'/></div>", replace: true } });
everything works, lets want add in ngchange
directive, mean again need alter scope
include ngchange: "="
? so
app.directive("amount", function(){ return { restrict: "e", scope:{ ngmodel: "=", ngchange : "=" }, template: "<div class='amount'><input type='text' ng-model='ngmodel'/></div>", replace: true } });
the question
do need modify directives scope include infinite possible number of other directives might require? or there way copy directives on <amount/>
element not <div/>
<amount my-awesome-directive="" ng-disabled="form.$invalid" ng-model="dollarsandcents" ng-click="aclick()" ng-show="shouldshow()"/>
turns into
<div class="amount"> <input my-awesome-directive="" type="text" ng-disabled="form.$invalid" ng-click="aclick()" ng-show="shouldshow()" ng-model="dollarsandcents"/> </div>
can done during pre/post compile copy them on or going wrong?
i able working via looping on attributes , using $compile()
service. work, correct?
app.directive("amount", function ($compile) { return { restrict: "e", template: "<div class='amount'><input type='text' /></div>", replace: true, compile: function compile(telement, tattrs) { return function (scope, ielement, iattrs) { var attributes = $(ielement).prop("attributes"); var $input = $(ielement).find("input"); $.each(attributes, function () { //loop on attributes , copy them <input/> if ( !== "class") { $input.attr(, this.value); } }); $compile($input)(scope); //compile input }; } }; });
given following <html/>
if add directive <amount/>
gets copied down <input/>
<div ng-app="app"> <amount ng-model="dollars" ng-change="changed = 'i changed!!!'" ng-click="clicked= 'i clicked it!'" name="amount"></amount> <h1>{{dollars}}</h1> <h2>{{changed}}</h2> <h3>{{clicked}}</h3> <input type="button" value="remove" ng-click="items.splice(items.indexof(item), 1)"/> <hr/> </div>
bind controller , inject $scope
.controller('amount', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.mymoney = '2'; }]) .directive("amount", function(){ restrict: 'ea', replace: true, controller: 'amount', template: "<div class='amount'><input type='text' ng-model='mymoney'/></div>", //cleaner include url if partial bigger. //templateurl: '/views/amount.html', link: function(scope, controller) {} });
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