c# - Need SlimDX to display images quickly -
i need display images (about 60 fps). picturebox/panel doesn't job @ higher resolutions, turning slimdx, hope right move.
as slimdx uses directx, , directx uses gpu, should able quickly. understanding, gpu works images lot faster cpu.
i doing this:
messagepump.run(form, () => { device.beginscene(); sprite.begin(slimdx.direct3d9.spriteflags.none); tx = slimdx.direct3d9.texture.fromstream(device, (new memorystream(reader.readbytes(reader.readint32()))), slimdx.direct3d9.usage.none, slimdx.direct3d9.pool.managed); sprite.draw(tx, color.transparent); sprite.end(); device.endscene(); device.present(); });
and initializing everything:
var form = new renderform("test"); form.width = 1280; form.height = 720; slimdx.direct3d9.presentparameters presentparams = new slimdx.direct3d9.presentparameters { backbufferwidth = form.width, backbufferheight = form.height, devicewindowhandle = form.handle, presentflags = slimdx.direct3d9.presentflags.none, backbuffercount = 0, presentationinterval = slimdx.direct3d9.presentinterval.immediate, swapeffect = slimdx.direct3d9.swapeffect.discard, backbufferformat = slimdx.direct3d9.format.a8r8g8b8, windowed = true, }; device = new slimdx.direct3d9.device(new slimdx.direct3d9.direct3d(), 0, slimdx.direct3d9.devicetype.hardware, form.handle, slimdx.direct3d9.createflags.hardwarevertexprocessing, presentparams); device.viewport = new slimdx.direct3d9.viewport(0, 0, form.width, form.height); slimdx.direct3d9.sprite sprite; slimdx.direct3d9.texture tx; sprite = new slimdx.direct3d9.sprite(device); tx = new slimdx.direct3d9.texture(device, form.width, form.height, 0, slimdx.direct3d9.usage.none, slimdx.direct3d9.format.x8r8g8b8, slimdx.direct3d9.pool.managed);
there 2 problems this:
- it's extremely slow; picturebox faster
- it shows image incorrectly (it's zoomed in)
you need cache textures, making them every frame slow. e.g.
public class cacheobjects { static list cachescbrushes = new list();
public static solidcolorbrush getcolorbrush(color4 color, direct2d.rendertarget rendertgt) { // error: not supported in c#: onerrorstatement solidcolorbrush returnbrush = null; bool found = false; foreach (void br_loopvariable in cachescbrushes) { br = br_loopvariable; if (br.color.red == color.red) { if (br.color.green == color.green) { if (br.color.blue == color.blue) { if (br.color.alpha == color.alpha) { found = true; returnbrush = br; exit for; } } } } } if (!found) { returnbrush = new solidcolorbrush(rendertgt, color); cachescbrushes.add(returnbrush); } return returnbrush; } public static void clearcache() { foreach (void brush_loopvariable in cachescbrushes) { brush = brush_loopvariable; brush.dispose(); } }
if impossible, [in seperate thread], load next 5 textures...rendering fast, object creation slow.
public void loadtexture () { //load next 5 here }
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