c# - XNA - Moving an animated rectangle horizontaly (no user input, but timer) -

here want move animated rectangle horizontaly without user input, using timer, maybe? animated rectangle should move left , right (from starting point end point, whole path = 315 pixels). mean 315 pixels between point 1 (start on left) , point 2 (end on right). here's code: variables:

        //sprite texture         texture2d texture;         //a timer variable         float timer = 0f;         //the interval (300 milliseconds)         float interval = 300f;         //current frame holder (start @ 1)         int currentframe = 1;         //width of single sprite image, not whole sprite sheet         int spritewidth = 32;         //height of single sprite image, not whole sprite sheet         int spriteheight = 32;         //a rectangle store 'frame' being shown         rectangle sourcerect;         //the centre of current 'frame'         vector2 origin; 

next, in loadcontent() method:

       //texture load        texture = content.load<texture2d>("gamegraphics\\enemies\\sprite"); 

the update() method:

    //increase timer number of milliseconds since update last called     timer += (float)gametime.elapsedgametime.totalmilliseconds;     //check timer more chosen interval     if (timer > interval)     {         //show next frame         currentframe++;         //reset timer         timer = 0f;     }     //if on last frame, reset 1 before first frame (because currentframe++ called next next frame 1!)     currentframe = currentframe % 2;     sourcerect = new rectangle(currentframe * spritewidth, 0, spritewidth, spriteheight);     origin = new vector2(sourcerect.width / 2, sourcerect.height / 2); 

and finally, draw() method:

    //texture draw     spritebatch.draw(texture, new vector2(263, 554), sourcerect,color.white, 0f, origin, 1.0f, spriteeffects.none, 0); 

so want move sourcerect. ir must loop left , right.

your spritebatch.draw() call keeps using same value destinationrectangle. how want move? 5 pixels right each frame example? change destinationrectangle (2nd argument spritebatch.draw()) to:

new vector2(263 + (currentframe * 5), 554); 

edit: example requested comments

class foo {     int x;     int maxx = 400;      void update(gametime gametime)     {         if (x++ >= maxx)             x = 263;     }      void draw()     {         spritebatch.draw(texture, new vector2(263 + x, 554), sourcerect,color.white, 0f, origin, 1.0f, spriteeffects.none, 0);     } } 

you would, of course, keep of current code except spritebatch.draw() call same; adding x parts.


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