mysql - Laravel 4 Method Improvement -

i have index method:

public function index() {     // in view, there several multiselect boxes (account managers, company names , account types). code retrives values post method of form/session.     $company_names_value = input::get('company_names_value');     $account_managers_value = input::get('account_managers_value');     $account_types_value = input::get('account_types_value');      // if there has been no form submission, check if values empty , if assign default.     // essentially, of records in table column required.     if (is_null($company_names_value))     {         $company_names_value = db::table('accounts')             ->orderby('company_name')             ->lists('company_name');     }      if (is_null($account_managers_value))     {             $account_managers_value = db::table('users')             ->orderby(db::raw('concat(first_name," ",last_name)'))             ->select(db::raw('concat(first_name," ",last_name) amname'))             ->lists('amname');     }      if (is_null($account_types_value))     {         $account_types_value = db::table('account_types')             ->orderby('type')             ->lists('type');     }      // in view, there dropdown box, allows user select amount of records show per page. retrieve value or set default.     $perpage = input::get('perpage', 10);      // code retrieves order session has been selected user clicking on table column title. value placed in session via getorder() method , used later in eloquent query , joins.     $order = session::get('account.order', 'company_name.asc');     $order = explode('.', $order);      // here perform joins required , order records, select accounts , select id's aid. wherein used select records company name, account manager name , account type matches values of multiselect boxes or default set above.     $accounts_query = account::leftjoin('users', '', '=', 'accounts.user_id')         ->leftjoin('account_types', '', '=', 'accounts.account_type_id')         ->orderby($order[0], $order[1])         ->select(array('accounts.*', db::raw(' aid')));      if (!empty($company_names_value)) $accounts_query = $accounts_query->wherein('accounts.company_name', $company_names_value);      $accounts = $accounts_query->wherein(db::raw('concat(users.first_name," ",users.last_name)'), $account_managers_value)         ->wherein('account_types.type', $account_types_value)         ->paginate($perpage)->appends(array('company_names_value' => input::get('company_names_value'), 'account_managers_value' => input::get('account_managers_value'), 'account_types_value' => input::get('account_types_value')));      $accounts_trash = account::onlytrashed()         ->leftjoin('users', '', '=', 'accounts.user_id')         ->leftjoin('account_types', '', '=', 'accounts.account_type_id')         ->orderby($order[0], $order[1])         ->select(array('accounts.*', db::raw(' aid')))         ->get();      $message = session::get('message');      $default = ($perpage === null ? 10 : $perpage);      $this->layout->content = view::make('admin.accounts.index', array(         'accounts'          => $accounts,         'accounts_trash'    => $accounts_trash,         'company_names'     => db::table('accounts')->orderby('company_name')->lists('company_name', 'company_name'),         'account_managers'  => db::table('users')->orderby(db::raw('concat(first_name," ",last_name)'))->select(db::raw('concat(first_name," ",last_name) amname'))->lists('amname', 'amname'),         'account_types'     => db::table('account_types')->orderby('type')->lists('type', 'type'),         'perpage'           => $perpage,         'message'           => $message,         'default'           => $default     )); } 

basically, building query searches several tables (hence joins). in view user has ability select multiple values various multi-select boxes , submit form populate $company_names_value, $account_managers_value , $account_types_value variables.

initially, when there no form submission, i'm using query builder select records each type, , using them in query.

it works slow , messy. wondering if of laravel 4 gurus me improve further, queries faster , code lighter.

thanks in advance.

this has been refactored significantly, , fast now. i've moved of code in models, refactoring code.

here's new index method:

public function index() {     $account = explode(',', input::get('account'));     $account_manager = explode(',', input::get('account_manager'));     $account_type = explode(',', input::get('account_type'));      $perpage = input::get('perpage', 10);      $order = session::get('account.order', 'company_name.asc');     $order = explode('.', $order);      $accounts = account::accounts($order, $account, $account_manager, $account_type)->paginate($perpage)->appends(array(         'account'           => input::get('account'),         'account_manager'   => input::get('account_manager'),         'account_type'      => input::get('account_type'),         'perpage'           => input::get('perpage')     ));      $accounts_trash = account::accountstrash($order)->get();      $message = session::get('message');      $default = ($perpage === null ? 10 : $perpage);      $this->layout->content = view::make('admin.accounts.index', compact('accounts', 'accounts_trash', 'message', 'default')); } 

and new getaccountbyname() method in controller used during ajax call. should go in model:

public function getaccountbyname() {     $name = input::get('account');     return account::select(array('id', db::raw('company_name text')))->where('company_name', 'like', "%$name%")->get(); } 

and 2 new methods in model retrieving accounts , accounts trash:

public function scopeaccounts($query, $order, $account, $account_manager, $account_type) {     $query->leftjoin('users', '', '=', 'accounts.user_id')         ->leftjoin('account_types', '', '=', 'accounts.account_type_id')         ->orderby($order[0], $order[1])         ->select(array('accounts.*', db::raw(' aid')));      if (!empty($account[0])) {        $query = $query->wherein('', $account);     }     if (!empty($account_manager[0])) {        $query = $query->wherein('', $account_manager);     }     if (!empty($account_type[0])) {        $query = $query->wherein('', $account_type);     } }  public function scopeaccountstrash($query, $order) {     $query->onlytrashed()         ->leftjoin('users', '', '=', 'accounts.user_id')         ->leftjoin('account_types', '', '=', 'accounts.account_type_id')         ->orderby($order[0], $order[1])         ->select(array('accounts.*', db::raw(' aid'))); } 

again, there's ton of things tidied here i'm closer faster , cleaner solution. doing has reduced loading times 12 seconds 234ms.


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