python - Formatting A ManyToManyField in to boxes with Django -

i having trouble formatting. here's code looks right now:

as can see have product field , price field each 1 of products. how can product , price in separate boxes else?

here's code:

class purchaseorder(models.model):     product = models.manytomanyfield('product', null =true)       def get_products(self):         return "<br />".join("%s --- $%s" % (p.products, p.price_for_each_item) p in self.product.all())     get_products.allow_tags = true     get_products.short_description = "product ---  price"  class product(models.model):     products = models.charfield(max_length=256, null =true)     price_for_each_item = models.floatfield(verbose_name = "price")      def __unicode__(self):         return self.products 


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