angular ui - AngularJS ui typehead not working with http -

i've been trying make angularjs ui typehead work backend had no success.

in partial:

<input type="text" ng-model="selected" typeahead=" language in getlanguages($viewvalue) | filter:$viewvalue"/> 

in controller:

$scope.getlanguages = function(search) {   // works:   return [{"id":"15","name":"norwegian (bokm\u00e5l)","short":"no"},{"id":"45","name":"norwegian (nynorsk)","short":"nn"}];    // doesn't work:   return $http.get('/json/suggest/languages/' + search).success(function(response) {     return response;   }); } 

as can see works when define response statically in js not when it's retrieved backend. static response copy-pasted backend response. http request working, can see response in developer tools, format correct typehead doesn't appear. idea why happens?

btw, i've used plunker example:


there 2 problems in code:

  • you using success not return promise, change then instead;
  • after above change need return data instead of whole response.

change code so:

return $http.get('/json/suggest/languages/' + search).then(function(response) {     return; }); 


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