How do I incorporate this Ruby file into Rails? -

i have ruby file:


 require "rest_client"  require 'nokogiri'   class freshdesk   # custom errors  class alreadyexistederror < standarderror; end  class connectionerror < standarderror; end   attr_accessor :base_url   def initialize(base_url, username, password)   @base_url = base_url   restclient.add_before_execution_proc | req, params |   req.basic_auth username, password  end end  # freshdesk api client support "get" id parameter optional #   returns nil if there no response def self.fd_define_get(name, *args)   name = name.to_s   method_name = "get_" + name  define_method method_name |*args|    uri = mapping(name)   uri.gsub!(/.xml/, "/#{args}.xml") if args.size > 0      begin       response = restclient.get uri     rescue exception       response = nil     end   end end  # freshdesk api client support "delete" required id parameter def self.fd_define_delete(name, *args)   name = name.to_s   method_name = "delete_" + name    define_method method_name |args|     uri = mapping(name)     raise standarderror, "an id required delete" if args.size.eql? 0     uri.gsub!(/.xml/, "/#{args}.xml")     restclient.delete uri   end end  # freshdesk api client support "post" optional key, value parameter # #  throw:  #    alreadyexistederror if there exact copy of data in server #    connectionerror     if there connection problem server def self.fd_define_post(name, *args)   name = name.to_s   method_name = "post_" + name    define_method method_name |args|     raise standarderror, "arguments required modify data" if args.size.eql? 0     uri = mapping(name)      builder = |xml|       xml.send(doc_name(name)) {         args.each |key, value|           xml.send(key, value)         end       }     end      begin        response = uri, builder.to_xml, :content_type => "text/xml"      rescue restclient::unprocessableentity       raise alreadyexistederror, "entry existed"      rescue restclient::internalservererror       raise connectionerror, "connection server failed. please check hostname"      rescue restclient::found       raise connectionerror, "connection server failed. please check username/password"      rescue exception => e3       raise     end         response      end end  # freshdesk api client support "put" key, value parameter # #  throw:  #    connectionerror     if there connection problem server def self.fd_define_put(name, *args)   name = name.to_s   method_name = "put_" + name    define_method method_name |args|     raise standarderror, "arguments required modify data" if args.size.eql? 0     raise standarderror, "id required modify data" if args[:id].nil?     uri = mapping(name)      builder = |xml|       xml.send(doc_name(name)) {         args.each |key, value|           xml.send(key, value)         end       }     end      begin        uri.gsub!(/.xml/, "/#{args[:id]}.xml")       response = restclient.put uri, builder.to_xml, :content_type => "text/xml"      rescue restclient::internalservererror       raise connectionerror, "connection server failed. please check hostname"      rescue restclient::found       raise connectionerror, "connection server failed. please check username/password"      rescue exception => e3       raise     end         response      end end  [:tickets, :ticket_fields, :users, :forums, :solutions, :companies].each |a|   fd_define_get   fd_define_post     fd_define_delete   fd_define_put end   # mapping of object name url: #   tickets => helpdesk/tickets.xml #   ticket_fields => /ticket_fields.xml #   users => /contacts.xml #   forums => /categories.xml #   solutions => /solution/categories.xml #   companies => /customers.xml def mapping(method_name)   path = case method_name     when "tickets" file.join(@base_url + "helpdesk/tickets.xml")     when "ticket_fields" file.join( @base_url, "ticket_fields.xml")     when "users" file.join(@base_url, "contacts.xml")     when "forums" file.join(@base_url + "categories.xml")     when "solutions" file.join(@base_url + "solution/categories.xml")     when "companies" file.join(@base_url + "customers.xml")   end end  # match root name of xml document freskdesk uses def doc_name(name)   doc = case name        when "tickets" "helpdesk_ticket"       when "ticket_fields" "helpdesk-ticket-fields"       when "users" "user"       when "companies" "customer"       else raise standarderror, "no root object call"     end   end end 

to use do:

client ="", "api key", "x")   # example posts ticket client.post_tickets(:subject => 'this rails app',:email => "", :description => "this ruby file bitches", :name => "richard ahn", :source => 2, :priority => 2, :name => "joshua siler") 

then, in console do:

$ ruby freshdesk.rb 

the information gets called client.post_tickets gets posted freshdesk dashboard.

how integrate rails app?

where put file class name freshdesk?

what do with:

client =  client.post_tickets  

how link form user can submit?

file should go in lib folder.

now, data form, i'll first create form.

<%= form_for(@client) |f| %>   <%= f.label :subject %>   <%= f.text_field :subject %>   <%= f.label :name%>   <%= f.text_field :name %>   <%= f.label :description %>   <%= f.text_field :description %>   ... <% end %> 

and in controller @client post new record (create method) enter code

def create   client = "", "api key", "x"   client.post_tickets(params[:client])   ... end 


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