PHP: count how many times a random number appears in an array using a for loop? -

i trying simulate 2000 dice rolls of 11 sided die (number 2 through 12 on sides). have store data in array.

here's loop die rolled:

for($counter = 0; $counter <=2000; $counter++) { $die = rand(2, 12); $int[$counter] = $die; echo " $die ,"; } 

^ seems work okay have 2000 random numbers output.

the next part have trouble. have output of results. make simple, let's have output number of fives rolled echo statement like:

"__ fives rolled."

i can't seem work. assignment have use loop. tried making new 1 if statement, , including if statement in loop above. no luck either. how can make work?

i think 1 solve problem..

 $array = array();  for($counter = 0; $counter <=2000; $counter++)  {      $die = rand(2, 12);      $array[]= $die;  }  for($c=2;$c<=12;$c++){     foreach($array $r){         if($c==$r)         {             $arr[$c]+=1;         }     } }  foreach($arr $key=>$value) {      echo $value." [".$key."] rolled<br>"; } 


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