
Showing posts from September, 2015

java - Why does my date parsing return a weird date? -

here code using: string string = "08/07/2013".replace('/', '-'); date date = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd").parse(string); why date return: "wen jan 3 00:00:00 est 14"? not @ date format told use. edit: need format because database using requires format. the format use parse date string, not match it. using yyyy 08 . use following format: new simpledateformat("dd-mm-yyyy") and why @ replacing / - ? can build pattern original string only: string string = "08/07/2013" date date = new simpledateformat("dd/mm/yyyy").parse(string); and if want date string in yyyy-mm-dd format, can format date using dateformat#format(date) method: string formatteddate = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd").format(date); see also: change date format in java string simpledateformat java doc

android - Invite new users for my app using app notifications facebook -

my app logs in via facebook , friends of facebook user logged listed invited download app. want guests advised via facebook through notification. i've done test via "graph api explore" follows: post/{recipient_userid}/notifications? access_token = ... & template = john inviting learn new app. & href = ... " but noticed notification comes have application installed. {return: "(#200) cannot send notifications user has not installed app"} how send notifications facebook users still not have application installed? thks! because notifications not meant used invite friends. they're used notify app users of events happening in app (e.g. if high score beaten in game example). if want let user invite friends use app, i'd suggest use request & invite features of facebook sdk: that tutorial shows how user can select list of friends invite , write...

plot - Remove Objects from Legend When You Have Also Used Fit, Matlab -

i've plotted data points , fitted exponential curve between them using 'fit' in matlab. problem fit-function got fitted line wanted plot, markers on top of regular markers. solved problem plotting wanted markers on top of unwanted couldn't seen. problem. when want show legends dots in there. how can remove markers legend without removing fitted line since both of them hidden inside fit-function? can stop 'fit' plotting unwanted markers? so, want remove blue dot called 'hoff' in picture below. you can leave out legend-entries manually leaving out handles of lines, dont want in legend. try this: %if plot something, want showing in legend, save handle: h_line = plot(x,y) %you dont want show line? dont anything, plot it: plot(mymarker) %then set legend-> can add text legend-entries %a cell-array containing strings want show up: legend([h_line another_line],{'text1' 'text2'}) with example (see comments) came solution: ...

Jruby converted ruby app problems -

i'm trying deploy ruby app our webserver , fit in other apps running there. this, need toss in war , run jetty. the app has been sitting on machine sometime gems out of date, in process of getting updated , transitioned jruby resolved number of old dependencies warbler bundle it. warbler bundling fine, deployed app dying unknown method. this the stack trace get: --- system jruby 1.7.4 (1.9.3p392) 2013-05-16 2390d3b on openjdk 64-bit server vm 1.6.0_27-b27 [linux-amd64] time: 2013-08-07 09:13:33 -0400 server: jetty/8.1.11.v20130520 jruby.home: file:/tmp/jetty-!/meta-inf/jruby.home --- context init parameters: public.root = / rails.env = production --- backtrace nomethoderror: undefined method `set_table_name' lockablestate(table doesn't exist):class method_missing @ org/jruby/ method_missing @ /tmp/jetty-0.0....

html - CSS: Combine Texture and Color -

someone how combine texture use background-image , background-color above texture ? here texture : i want body background page : i'm struggling backroung-image , background-color : body{ background: #6db3f2 url(''); } you can use overlay div alpha channel on top of body under other elements. jsfiddle example <h1>i want blue color above texture</h1> <div id="cover"></div> body { background: url(''); } h1{ position:relative; z-index:2; } #cover { position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; background-color:rgba(109,179,242,0.5); z-index:1; }

Need help in packaging app using TideSDK on Windows -

i developed application using tidesdk on windows , when click launchapp works fine. moved package , installed imagemagick , wix 3.0 required packaging on windows. clicked on package runtime , cannot guess packaged app is? found file 'installer' in workspace when click on it says installer not find application path . think application not being packaged properly. here log see in tidesdk: preparing package desktop app runtime. 1 moment... staging trial -> copying contents d:\lab\tidesdk\trial d:\lab\tidesdk\trial\packages\win32\bundle\trial -> copying installer c:\programdata\tidesdk\sdk\win32\1.3.1-beta\installer d:\lab\tidesdk\trial\packages\win32\bundle\trial -> copying runtime d:\lab\tidesdk\trial\packages\win32\bundle\trial -> date: d:\lab\tidesdk\trial\packages\win32\bundle\trial\modules\app\1.3.1-beta -> date: d:\lab\tidesdk\trial\packages\win32\bundle\trial\modules\codec\1.3.1-beta -> date: d:\lab\tidesdk\trial\packages\win32\bundle\trial\mod...

testing - How do I test Angularjs factory stubbing $http? -

i have factory called songs fetches songs each second api: angular.module('pearljam') .factory('songs', function($http, $timeout, config){ var response = {list: []}; var onsuccess = function(result){ response.list =; $timeout(poller, config.pollingtimeout); }; var poller = function(){ $http.get('api/songs.json', config.httpoptions).then(onsuccess); }; poller(); return {all: response}; }); i test it, , tried shown bellow think inject service in wrong way. when try run test outputs error: no pending request flush ! .it it's not making http calls. describe('songs', function(){ var httpstub, localservice; beforeeach(module('pearljam')); beforeeach(inject(function(_$httpbackend_, songs){ httpstub = _$httpbackend_; localservice = songs; })); it('lists songs', function(){ var httpresponse = { data: [1]...

Kendo UI ASP.Net MVC ForeignKey column DataSource in InCell Edit mode -

i have kendo grid , foreignkey column on page. foreignkey column populated using viewdata described below. column.foreignkey(x => x.productid, (list<product>)viewdata["products"], "id", "prodname"); the grid editable in batch(incell) mode show below... .editable(editable => editable.mode(grideditmode.incell) i want modify collection of productid column in grid after page loaded based on value selected on other drop-down defined outside of grid. how can achieve that? can using jquery? similar example found here... thanks. i figure out on how filter product drop-down using editortemplate foreign key column. here column definition product. c.foreignkey(x => x.productid, (list<product>)viewdata["products"], "id", "prodname").editortemplatename("productideditor...

Python/Pyside: Own QFileIconProvider implementation fails with no exceptions thrown -

i tried create own qfileiconprovider class, want use qfilesystemmodel . ended code: class seiconprovider(qtgui.qfileiconprovider): def __init__(self): qtgui.qfileiconprovider.__init__(self) self.rsfileicon = qtgui.qicon(':images/rs-file.png') self.otherfileicon = qtgui.qicon(':images/newfile.png') self.foldericon = qtgui.qicon(':images/openfolder.png') def icon(self, type): if type == self.file: return self.rsfileicon if type == self.folder: return self.foldericon return self.otherfileicon def icon(self, info): if info.isfile(): return self.otherfileicon if info.isdir(): return self.foldericon return self.otherfileicon def type(self, info): if info.isdir(): return 'directory' return 'file' class folderview(qtgui.qtreeview): def __init__(self): qtgui.qtreeview.__init__(self) self.createcomponents() self.createlayout(...

sql - Echo HTML within PHP where to place quotes -

i'm doing wrong first line, quotes: <td><? echo"<a href='edit.php?id=" . "$row['adminuser_id']" . "'>edit</a>";?></td> should work works echo '<td><a href="edit.php?id=' . $row['adminuser_id'] . '">edit</a></td>'; as requested author, post answer. in of cases don't need echo html tags. better not. echo part, dynamically, in case - variable. as of php 5.5, shorthand echo tag <?= enabled default standalone tag, has nothing short tags <? disabled, can use without worries short echo achieve this: <td><a href="edit.php?id=<?=$row['adminuser_id'];?>">edit</a></td> of course, can use time way: <td><a href="edit.php?id=<?php echo $row['adminuser_id'];?>">edit</a></td> but in both cases, echo variable.

c# - Export Images in excel using OpenXml SDK? -

i facing problem while exporting multiple images in excel cell. doing in simple button click in page . using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.web.ui; using system.web.ui.webcontrols; using; using = documentformat.openxml.drawing; using xdr = documentformat.openxml.drawing.spreadsheet; using a14 = documentformat.openxml.office2010.drawing; using; using documentformat.openxml.spreadsheet; using documentformat.openxml; namespace openxmlexport { public partial class _default : { public static string imagefile = httpcontext.current.server.mappath(@"~\data\sunset.jpg"); protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { } protected void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { datatable table = gettable(); dataset ds = new dataset(); ds.tables.add(table); exportdata...

css - HTML disable 'id' page move behaviours -

with resources web have created slide show using purely css , html. clicking linkd on image map changes content of div aligned next it. to achieve have linked 'href="#"' 'id=""'. results in 'bookmark' effect on page autmoatically scrolls page down top of div in 'id's reside. i have managed working well, however, possible disable behaviour of page scrolling down keeping same functionality? thanks! code: html <div class="wheelcontainer" id="content-slider"> <ul id="content-slider-inside"> <li id="middle"></li> <li id="customer"></li> <li id="people"></li> <li id="operations"></li> <li id="finance"></li> <li id="community"></li> </ul> </div> <img src="/teams/group-its...

jquery - filter by letter in datatables not working -

i using datatables show pricelist, filter prices letter. problem have when click on letter shud pass proccesing file(bronze.fnreloadajax) not. instead records because href empty $(".whitelinks a").click(function(event) { event.preventdefault(); $("a").removeclass("active"); $(this).addclass("active"); link = $(this).attr("href"); href = link.substring(1); bronze.fnreloadajax('price_list/plan_bronze.php?selection='+href); }); if link single letter, href = link.substring(1) removes first letter of link. means blank.

ios - Objective-c UIScrollView now scrolling nor vertically nor horizontally -

i don't understand why project doesn't work. can open window, scrollview wont scroll, means can't see bottom of ui. why? read answers similar questions didn't me fix issue. this detailvc.h @interface detailvc : uiviewcontroller { iboutlet uiimageview *iv_main, *iv_ratings; iboutlet uitextfield *tf_name, *tf_dob, *tf_age, *tf_weight, *tf_height,*tf_birthplace; iboutlet uitextview *tv_description; iboutlet uibutton *but_movies, *but_edit; iboutlet uinavigationbar *navbar; iboutlet uiscrollview *scrollview; } @property (nonatomic, retain) iboutlet uiimageview *iv_main, *iv_ratings; @property (nonatomic, retain) iboutlet uitextfield *tf_name, *tf_dob, *tf_age, *tf_weight, *tf_height, *tf_birthplace; @property (nonatomic, retain) iboutlet uitextview *tv_description; @property (nonatomic, retain) iboutlet uibutton *but_movies, *but_edit; @property (nonatomic, retain) iboutlet uinavigationbar *navbar; @property (nonatomic, retain) iboutlet uiscrollview *scrollview; @...

sql server - how to efficiently catch errors when working with T-SQL -

i'm looking way catch errors without using classic try catch because code doesn't work on sql version (2005) begin try select 1/0; end try begin catch execute usp_geterrorinfo; end catch; error: msg 170, level 15, state 1, line 1 line 1: incorrect syntax near 'try'. msg 156, level 15, state 1, line 6 incorrect syntax near keyword 'end'. any workaround? or doing wrong? begin try try statement 1 try statement 2 ... try statement m end try begin catch catch statement 1 catch statement 2 ... catch statement n end catch is standard try..catch syntax. , supported in 2005 version. see here details.

css selectors - Psuedo CSS, every second seems to fail -

i have html this: <div class="container"> <div class="foo">foo!</div> <!-- if red... --> <div class="bar">bar!</div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="foo">foo!</div> <!-- ...i want blue... --> <div class="bar">bar!</div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="foo">foo!</div> <!-- ...and red. --> <div class="bar">bar!</div> </div> and want every second "foo" have blue background, other foo:s red. i have tried: .container .foo:nth-child(odd) { background-color: red; } .container .foo:nth-child(even) { background-color: blue; } i have played nht-of-type can't work. in test above "odd" since of them blue. what doing wrong? you had nth-child selector in wrong spot: .container:nth-c...

android - GoogleMaps GroundOverlay blinks my images -

i'm using googlemaps in android app, , want display animated radar image on map. have array of 6 bitmaps. when user hits play, map loops through displaying each of images on map. this working, when transitioning between images, if don't call googlemap.clear() , images continually stacked on top of each other. if call googlemap.clear() , horrible blink. want 1 image remain on map until next 1 displayed. there way this? is there maybe double-buffering option googlemaps? oh, actually, ended doing extending googlemap class , overriding ondraw function liking.

AngularJS JSON_CALLBACK not working with ng-repeat -

i'm trying make ng-clickable menu using ng-repeat. use ngresource call rest server. when menu done in pure html (ul/li), works when done ng-repeat, data set callback not updated in html view. maybe simple example more clear : simple button working html menu working ng-repeat call server done nothing happens did miss ? thanks in advance ps : tried make jsfiddle couldn't make work... html page : <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="js/date.js"></script> </head> <body> <div ng-app="app"> <div ng-controller="controller"> <h1>{{ date.time }}</h1> <h1>{{ date.milliseconds_since_epoch }}</h1> <hr> <butto...

c++ - Trying to display the list in QListView? -

can't list display? /*create qlistview */ m_listviewa = new qlistview(this); m_listviewa->setgeometry(qrect(qpoint(0,100), qsize(100, 150))); modela = new qstandarditemmodel( nrow, 1, ); //fill model value for( int r=0; r<nrow; r++ ) { qstring sstr = "[ " + qstring::number(r) + " ]"; qstandarditem *item = new qstandarditem(qstring("idx ") + sstr); modela->setitem(r, 0, item); } //set model m_listviewa->setmodel(modela); m_listviewa->setselectionmode( qabstractitemview::extendedselection ); qstringlist slist; foreach(const qstandarditem index, modela) //error { slist.append( ).tostring()); } this works... rather use "foreach"... qstring stra; for(int r=0; r < modela->rowcount(); r++) { stra += "\r\n" + modela->item(r,0)->text(); } qmessagebox *msgbox = new qmessagebox(0); msgbox->setgeometry(qrect(qpoint(200,200),qsize(400,400))); ms...

ruby on rails 3 - Capybara Poltergeist/PhantomJS testing - disable javascript on a page -

on of projects javascript intensive, have <noscript> alert users might come in javascript disable on browsers. i'm trying write test test suite validates behavior, can't figure out how tell capybara/poltergeist (which use feature tests) disable javascript before making requests. can't find clear in documentation. has else run this? so, still have no idea how in poltergeist, figured out how set in selenium: capybara.register_driver :selenium_firefox_nojs |app| profile = profile["javascript.enabled"] = false, :browser => :firefox, :profile => profile) end

datetime - Rotated x labels in R -

i have data in r following: bag_id location_type event_ts 1 155 transfer 2012-01-02 15:57:54 2 155 sorter 2012-01-02 17:06:05 3 305 arrival 2012-01-01 07:20:16 4 692 arrival 2012-03-29 09:47:52 10 748 transfer 2012-01-08 17:26:02 11 748 sorter 2012-01-08 17:30:02 12 993 arrival 2012-01-23 08:58:54 13 1019 arrival 2012-01-09 07:17:02 14 1019 sorter 2012-01-09 07:33:15 15 1154 transfer 2012-01-12 21:07:50 where class(event_ts) "posixct". i wanted find density of bags @ each location in different times. so, used function density following: adj<-.00001 dsorter<-density(as.numeric(data$event_ts[which(data$location_type=="sorter")]),n=length(data$event_ts[which(data$location_type=="sorter")]),adjust = adj) starttime<-as.posixct(strptime("2012-06-01", "%y-%m-%d"), tz="utc") # want zoom & see p...

list - find the deepest LI in a lot of UL and LI using jquery -

so there tree. it's compiled mysql database using php. problem want find lis don't have ul inside them , more lis.... example: in example marked lis should selected jquery, because don't have children , that's want. basically it's tree made categories, if deepest category doesn't have children should considered item , want jquery find items, don't have children. this whole tree: i this(code down below) , check if has children or not , make it's background red(for example) , that's how find 'items' , not 'categories', there must easier way this.... $("#parttree ul").each(function(){ $(this).find("li").each(function(){ $(this).find("ul").each(function(){ $(this).find("ul").each(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","red"); ...

Custom methods unacessible in Rails Model -

when try to: class construction < activerecord::base def columns ["a", "b"] end store :dados, accessors: columns end i get: undefined local variable or method `columns' #<class:0x007f891037dac0> so, how should this? ps: have tried putting 'self.' before columns , didn't work. edit — more info problem: i have set series of serialized hash data stored on column "dados". method store , set attribute acessors. have erased other parts of code not inherent problem, basically, need inform accesors attribute through method instead of declaring directly there. reason because i'll reuse method generate columns. i wont using method in instance variables, instead inside model itself. code reusing when create method on model, every instance of model has methods, example if this: in controller: @construction=construction.first @construction.columns // return array; can give me more info on ne...

opengl - Rendering in Framebuffer does not effect while GL_DEPTH_TEST enabled -

i trying render in frame buffer. so made framebuffer depth texture , color texture attached shown here : but nothing rendered if gl_depth_test enabled. doing wrong? the whole code long... frame buffer class : class framebuffer { gluint id; size_t width, height, ncolorattachments; gluint colortexture[gl_max_color_attachments_ext]; gluint depthtexture; private: void attachdepthtexture(); void attachcolortexture(gluint); public: void create(size_t, size_t, size_t); void binddepthtexture() const; void bindcolortexture(gluint) const; void bind() const; void unbind() const; size_t getwidth() const; size_t getheight() const; }; void framebuffer::attachdepthtexture() { glgentextures(1, &depthtexture); glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, depthtexture); gltexparameteri(gl_texture_2d, gl_texture_min_filter, gl_linear); gltexparameter...

Getting pins from a saved Google Map into v3 API -

i have saved google map in 'my places', on 100+ pins added locations around uk. there way can avoid having use embed feature display map on webpage, sort of calling saved map id via google api? essentially want access google's new visual refresh , able control settings of map more api. the map link this: can parse here...? you can overlay kml output mymaps using kmllayer in google maps api also: updates in mymaps (eventually) reflected on map.

vba - VarType for user defined type -

i have user-defined objects in vba code , wondering if there way check object type is. thing like dim myobject variant set myobject= new employee if(myobject istype employee) else else i thinking vartype() function, apparently won't work user defined types. there else can use? there 2 possibilities so. following code should explain everything. see additional comments inside: sub qtest() dim myobject variant set myobject = new employee 'return results immediate debug.print typename(myobject) '>> return class name debug.print typeof myobject employee '>>will return true 'using 'if statements', both return true if typename(myobject) = "employee" msgbox "ok" end if if typeof myobject employee msgbox "ok" end if end sub

linux - Awk: Cannot concatenate strings -

i'm dealing awk, , have 3 variables work with: $0 variable - example it's equivalent to: path/filename.cpp log_err << "error in log" << e.what(); $logname variable - parsed out name of cpp file, namely: filename $2 variable - contains default second value: log_err question: what i'm trying concatenate values so: logname=$logname $2; but instead of expected value filenamelog_err , this: filename log_err << "error in log" << e.what(); what doing wrong? edit: awk code requested: awk '{ logname=sub(/^.*\//,"",$1); logname=sub(/\..*:/,"",$logname); print $logname; print $2; logname=$logname $2; print $logname; }' $file edit2: fixed. never call on $ variables in awk unless it's field number. :) awk '{ logname=$1; sub(/^.*\//,"",logname); sub(/\..*:/,"",logname); print logname; logname=logname $2; print logname; }' $file logn...

node.js - Server-side DOM storage with Node -

have seen using server-side dom datastore, via jsdom or cheerio in node, maybe library query dom using conventions activerecord-style api? seems obvious, albeit extremely slow significant amount of data, can't find reference doing this. no have seen no such thing. frankly, can't think why that. guess think documents created jsdom/cheerio persisted disk. that's not case. in-memory only. data structure, not data store. you can use basic javascript data structures (arrays & objects) in-memory data stores. there in-memory data store made interoperable mongodb. not sure tree barking activerecord, activerecord pairs relational data store, not dom, tree structure.

r - how to break x-axis in a density plot -

i want plot distribution , single value (with abline) smaller minimum value in distribution, abline won't appear in plot. how can plot them in same plot manipulating x-axis scale or maybe inserting breaks? data <- rnorm(1000, -3500, 27) estimate <- -80000 plot(density(data)) abline(v = estimate) here's rough solution, it's not particularly pretty: library(plotrix) d <- density(data) gap.plot(c(-8000,d$x), c(0,d$y), gap=range(c(-7990,-3620)), gap.axis="x", type="l", xlab="x", ylab="density", xtics=c(-8000,seq(-3600,-3300,by=100))) abline(v=-8000, col="red", lwd=2)

ruby - Given integers how do I find asc and desc sequences of three? -

i have integers i.e. 9 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 1 , 6 , 7 , 8 . want return index sequence of 3 descending or ascending integers exists. in example above indices 1 , 5 . ruby code this? def seq array = [9,5,4,3,1,6,7,8] array.each_with_index |val, index| if (val < (array[index + 1]).val < (array[index + 1]).val) puts "#{index}" # skip 2 indexes end end i think logic behind solution correct, syntax pretty far off valid ruby. here pair of pretty verbose solutions (hopefully) obvious: numbers = [9, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 6, 7, 8] # find non-overlapping sets = 0 until > numbers.length - 2 a, b, c = numbers[i..i + 2] if (a - b == b - c) && (a - b).abs == 1 puts "#{i} (#{a},#{b},#{c})" # skip next 2 indexes += 3 else += 1 end end # find overlapping sets (same solution, don't skip indexes) (0...numbers.length - 2).each |i| a, b, c = numbers[i..i + 2] if (a - b == b - c) && (a - b).abs == 1...

wpf histogram fidelity degrades when resized smaller -

i've developed simple histogram control shows distribution of grayscale colors (1 256 bins) in live image. control renders rectangles in itemscontrol itemscontainer viewbox. working fine part, when resize grid column (using gridsplitter) hosting control fidelity of histogram begins degrade. here's couple shots of histogram @ initial state, , when has been resized horizontally (notice dark vertical lines in forest of green gets worse smaller go): here's xaml renders histogram: <itemscontrol x:name="_histogram" margin="1,3" itemssource="{binding histogramcollection}" verticalalignment="bottom"> <itemscontrol.template> <controltemplate targettype="itemscontrol"> <grid> <viewbox stretch="fill" maxheight="100" > <itemspresenter /> ...

maven - Sonar: measuring code coverage when integration tests are in a different project -

having following maven project structure: -project1 <-- parent pom 2 children. |--module1 <-- web services \--module1-itest <-- integration tests written testng what today: run mvn sonar:sonar in module1, shows code coverage unit tests in sonar's dashboard. run mvn jetty:run on module1, , after run mvn test on module1-itests test it. i know far ideal scenario... it's more intermediate step while try improve legacy project no tests @ all... my question is: best way code coverage done execution of integration tests in sonar's dashboard of module1? initially, i'm inclined move code in module1-itest module1, , run them using failsafe plugin , well-documented integration jacoco. in way, module1 have mix of junit unit tests , testng integration tests, each group run surefire , failsafe, respectively, starting jetty server in pre-integration phase. however, have reasons keep both projects separated, i'm wondering: is...