
Showing posts from September, 2012

From numpy matrix to C array. Segmentation fault (memory corruption) on 64bit architecture -

i'm trying build python c extension in order pass numpy matrix c array. following suggestions reported here: but when python tries run c line: v=(float **)malloc((size_t) (n*sizeof(float))); of follow portion of code: float **_ptrvector(long n) { float **v; v=(float **)malloc((size_t) (n*sizeof(float))); if (!v) { printf("in **ptrvector. allocation of memory array failed."); exit(0); } return v; } float **pymatrix_to_carray(pyarrayobject *arrayin) { float **c, *a; int i,n,m; n = pyarray_dim(arrayin, 0); m = pyarray_dim(arrayin, 1); c=_ptrvector(n); = (float*) pyarray_data(arrayin); ( i=0; i<n; i++) { c[i]=a+i*m; } return c; } i segmentation fault on linux 64 bit machine. problem code works on 32 bit machines (both windows , linux). sizeof(size_t) returns correctly 4 on 32bit machines , 8 on 64bit machines. i'm us...

javascript - Fine Uploader error with internet explorer 10 -

i using fine uploader 3.7.0 in project chrome , firefox , works fine, internet explorer 10 files uploaded correctly user "upload failed" error message, demo tests: <script> $(document).ready(function() { var errorhandler = function(event, id, filename, reason) { qq.log("id: " + id + ", filename: " + filename + ", reason: " + reason); }; var myuploader = new qq.fineuploader({ element: $('#basicuploadbutton')[0], multiple: false, callbacks: { onerror: errorhandler }, request: { endpoint: '/fineupload/receiver' } }); }); </script> <div class="fineuploader"> <span>please upload files automated process.</span> <div id="basicuploadbutton" class="upload-btn"></div> </div> <br /> <div><a href="#" onclick="

kendo ui - KendoUI - Cascading Dropdownlist when using MVVM and Remote Data -

i have kendoui dropdownlist fetches data web service, depending on selected item 2nd dropdown populated. using mvvm binding. my code looks like: <div id="ddldiv"> <div data-container-for="measure" required class="k-input k-edit-field"> <select id="measure" name="measure" data-role="dropdownlist" data-text-field="field_name" data-value-field="field_id" data-bind="value: summarydef.measureid, source: fieldlist" ></select> </div> <div data-container-for="operation" required class="k-input k-edit-field"> <select id="operation" data-cascade-from: "measure" data-role="dropdownlist" data-text-field="type" ...

dojox.grid.datagrid - Dojo TabContainer doesn't get formatted correctly until after I do an Inspect Element -

i have dojo datagrid few rows of data. when click on row, have tabcontainer created in <div> . here's ends looking like: the formatting tabcontainer incorrect. however, after "inspect element", formatting corrects itself: however, submit button disappears after formatting corrected. here's code use create datagrid , tabcontainer : <div id="r_body"> <div id="r_list"> </div> <div id="r_form"> <div data-dojo-type="dijit/form/form" id="parameters_form" data-dojo-id="parameters_form" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method=""> {% csrf_token %} <div> <div id="r_tab_container"></div> </div> <div> <p></p> <button id="submit_parameters" dojotype=...

ios - Resolving MVC chaos -

the following setup: controller (.h/.m) connectionmanager (.h/.m) - sends requests using afnetworking requesthandler (.h/.m) - build request params keymanager (.h/.m) - writes database i have send request server data keymanager. here request sent using afnetworking in connectionmanager . request parameters , url request constructed requesthandler but problem in order construct request have data requested controller , when initialize controller inside requesthandlers throws error controller type can't found controller -> connectionmanager -> requesthandler -> controller -> connectionmanager -> server please me dismantle mess or solution. how pass current instance of class new instance of class. the best option resolve these kind of circular definitions use #import directives in .m files , instead use @class in .h files. so if need reference class x in api class y, in y.h, add @class x , in y.m , add #import x @class d...

xaml - How can I add a resource to a silverlight custom control? -

i trying trim selected value of silverlight custom control combobox. have found using ivalueconverter class should way go. create in library public class stringtrimmer : ivalueconverter { public object convert(object value, type targettype, object parameter, system.globalization.cultureinfo culture) { return value.tostring().trim(); } public object convertback(object value, type targettype, object parameter, system.globalization.cultureinfo culture) { throw new notimplementedexception(); } } this xaml combobox <usercontrol x:class="silverlightcontrollibrary.silverlightcomboboxcontrol" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" mc:ignorable="d" height="25...

Tell Chrome which include files I want opened by default in devtools' Sources tab -

is there way tell chrome open include files in devtools' sources tab default? find annoying have manually browse sources tree find file want debug when it's same file every time. envision being able add sort of attribute in link or script tags tell chrome have source tabs open , waiting me: <!-- editperson.html --> <link href="editperson.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" chrome-source /> <script src="editperson.js" type="text/javascript" chrome-source ></script> does know of how can this, plugin/native ? my question sort of similar programmatically open js/css file in dev tools 'sources' panel , want pre-open tabs files have been included in html. right now, devtools remember tabs last had open, can't configure beyond that. thing cmd + o fast opening files, , it'll getting improvements in scoring relevant files ...

osgi - Weird OutOfMemoryError from JBoss AS 7.2 -

i'm experiencing odd outofmemoryerror when deploying osgi/blueprint bundles in jboss 7.2. of bundles cause error if present in deployment directory when start jboss - in combination each other. in current setup have 4 bundles - let's call them a , b , c , d . a , b depends on c , d not on each other, , use various external libraries have deployed. if c , d deployed 1 of a , b when jboss starts, seems deploy fine, if both a , b present following stack trace: 16:42:30 error [] msc00001: failed start service jbosgi.persistentbundles.resolve: org.jboss.msc.service.startexception in service jbosgi.persistentbundles.resolve: failed start service @ org.jboss.msc.service.servicecontrollerimpl$ [] @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$worker.runtask( [rt.jar:1.6.0_45] @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$w...

selenium - how to disable cookies using webdriver for Chrome and FireFox JAVA -

i want launch browsers(ff, chrome) test disabled cookies, tried this: service = new chromedriverservice.builder() .usingdriverexecutable(new file("src/test/resources/chromedriver")) .usinganyfreeport().build(); try { service.start(); } catch (ioexception e1) { e1.printstacktrace(); } desiredcapabilities capabilities =; capabilities.setcapability("disable-restore-session-state", true); driver = new chromedriver(service, capabilities); but it's not work... i've solution firefox: firefoxprofile profile = new profilesini().getprofile("default"); profile.setpreference("network.cookie.cookiebehavior", 2); driver = new firefoxdriver(profile); but don't know how manage chrome.

json - Composer does not generate autoloader information (autoload_namespaces.php) -

i have trouble getting project correctly installed through composer. have own custom package (library) hosted in non public git repo (but centralized) fetched composer (dummy project containing composer.json testing package). so structure that: /test/project/composer.json index.php content of composer.json: { "name": "vendor/test", "description": "test-description", "authors": [{ "name": "benjamin carl", "email": "", "homepage": "", "role": "developer" }], "keywords": [ "foo", "bar" ], "homepage" : "", "license" : [ "the bsd license" ], "repositories": [{ "type": ...

php - XAMPP why is my else bug? -

evertime load page get parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in c:\xampp\htdocs\zerowebsite\uploadtest.php on line 19 <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <form action="uploadtest.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="image"> <input type="submit" value="upload"> </form> <?php mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("dataimage") or die (mysql_error()); $file = $_files['image']['tmp_name']); if (!isset($file)) echo "select image"; else // line 19 { $image = addslashes(file_get_contents($_files['image']['tmp_name'])); $image_name = addslashes($_files['image']['name']); ...

Storing large structured binary data with Haskell -

i'm writing application interacts large (10-1000 gb) memory-mapped binary file, holding bunch of objects refer each other. i've come mechanism read/write data effective, ugly , verbose (imo). q: there more elegant way achieve i've done? i have typeclass structured data, 1 method reads structure haskell datatype ( dataop readert around io ). class dbstruct structread :: addr -> dataop to make more readable, have typeclass defines structure members go where: class dbstruct st => structmem structty valty name | structty name -> valty offset :: structty -> valty -> name -> int64 i have few helper functions use offset method reading/writing structure elements, reading structures stored references, , lazily deferring structure reads (to allow lazy reading of entire file). the problem involves lot of repetition use. 1 structure, first have define haskell type: data rowblock = rowblock {rbnext :: maybe rowblock ...

wpf - Add rows of comboboxes to datagrid -

i'm trying create datagrid have 1 row column headers, , 10 more rows, filled comboboxes each column. instance: <datagrid autogeneratecolumns="false" name="datagrid1"> <datagrid.columns> <datagridcomboboxcolumn header="products" selectedvaluebinding="{binding productname}"> <datagridcomboboxcolumn.elementstyle> <style targettype="combobox"> <setter property="itemssource" value="{binding path=productnameslist, relativesource={relativesource ancestortype={x:type window}}}"/> </style> </datagridcomboboxcolumn.elementstyle> <datagridcomboboxcolumn.editingelementstyle> <style targettype="combobox"> <setter property="itemssource" value="{binding path=productnameslist, relativesource={re...

django - Make boolean values editable in list_display? -

i'd boolean field editable in django admin's list display. instead, have uneditable icons: my code looks this: # model class task(models.model): ... is_finished = models.booleanfield() # admin list_display = (..., 'is_finished') i haven't included is_finished in readonly_fields tuple in , i'm surprised isn't editable default. doing wrong? modeladmin.list_editable need, see doc here . below have example: class taskadmin(models.modeladmin): list_display = (..., 'is_finished') list_editable = ('is_finished',) # must contain fields in "list_display" #list_display_links = ('foo', 'bar') # must not contain field in common "list_editable"

html5 - HTML 5 geolocation POSITION UNAVAILABLE error in mobile -

i trying user current position in mobile web application app work in android telephone device except samsung galaksy s2 telephone device .. give errror position unavailable error demo can view source code navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition(handle_geolocation_query1, handle_errors) ; function handle_errors(error) { switch (error.code) { case error.permission_denied: alert("user did not share geolocation data"); break; case error.position_unavailable: alert("could not detect current position"); break; case error.timeout: alert("retrieving position timed out"); break; default: alert("unknown error"); break; } } function handle_geolocation_query1(position) { $('#map_canvas...

c# - What method of EF 6 is better to use for get data from database asyn? -

i have next code public async task<ienumerable<mytabel>> getdata() { try { var dbctx = new myentities(); return await dbctx.mytabel.tolistasync(); //return await dbctx.mytabel.toarrayasync(); } catch (exception ex) { throw ex; } } i wondering tolistasync or toarrayasync method better perfomance ? know ? thanks. update for me perfomance eqval tp less memory usage, faster query times, higher concurrency tolist() faster toarray() , because array needs copied second time once size known. (unlike list<t> , arrays cannot have space) same true async versions. however, may not want function @ all. unless need of data on client, more efficient use linq entities run sql queries in database.

assembly - List of Hidden ARM 3 Letter mnemonics -

x86 has had cases of manufacturer inserting, new, undocumented opcodes @ time. due arm holdings lack of fab plant, there 'hidden' opcodes inserted licentiate. after using google-fu theory seems incorrect. documentation, or past experiences -- know of 'hidden mnemonics'? xscale can visible example of such fork. intel @ time added own instructions provide more media capable core. from intel xscale® core developer’s manual : 2.3 extensions arm architecture 3rd generation microarchitecture extends armv5te architecture meet needs of various markets , design requirements. following list of extensions discussed in subsequent sections. a media processing co-processor (cp0) has been added contains 40-bit internal accumulator. 5 new instructions have been added access 40- bit accumulator. page attributes added page table descriptors , description of existing attributes in armv5te enhanced. note compatibility maintained software developed ...

xamarin - Android Activity LaunchMode SingleTask doesn't trigger MvvmCross ViewModel constructor or Init method -

in order provide correct button behaviour of android app uses mvvmcross, i've had amend launchmode of particular views singletask . whilst works fine, when 1 of these views used second time onwards, viewmodel constructor , init methods (used in conjuction nav class pass parameters 1 view another) no longer fired. presume behaviour "by design" or "enforced android os" need aware of when placing code in constructors/init methods may need called every time view displayed (e.g. refreshjoblist). fix incidentally, place call required method in onresume method of activity, e.g.: ((jobdetailviewmodel)this.viewmodel).refreshjobphotos(); is there "better way"? i presume behaviour "by design" or "enforced android os" if forcing activity singletask created once viewmodel once. there onnewintent method override , use work out when happens - mvvmcross has tried use in past - it's use has confused developers - mvx ...

ios - What's the best way to ensure a UITableView reloads atomically? -

i'v got uitableview datasource updated @ random intervals in short period of time. more objects discovered, added tableview's data source , insert specific indexpath: [self.tableview beginupdates]; [self.tableview insertrowsatindexpaths:@[indexpath] withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationautomatic]; [self.tableview endupdates]; the data source located in manager class, , notification posted when changes. - (void)addobjecttodatasource:(nsobject*)object { [self.datasource addobject:object]; [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] postnotification:@"datasourceupdate" object:nil]; } the viewcontroller updates tableview when receives notification. - (void)handledatasourceupdate:(nsnotification*)notification { nsobject *object = notification.userinfo[@"object"]; nsindexpath *indexpath = [self indexpathforobject:object]; [self.tableview beginupdates]; [self.tableview insertrowsatindexpaths:@[indexpath] withrowanimation:uitablev...

yodlee - Card Number field missing for BMO Group -

we use yodlee api bank code 2483 bmo financial group (canada) bank. issue missing card number field authentication. have issue bmo group. can please check issue @ earliest , let know needs done. thank you i able card number field authentication bmo using yodlee's sdk. below list of fields yodlee's sdk returns bank code 2483 1)enter bmo debit card(this field need enter debit card number) 2)enter bmo credit card(16 digit) (this field need enter credit card details) 3)password you can pass either of 1st 2 fields yodlee. please try once using yodlee's sampleapp , if still seeing issue, please raise service request using yodlee customer care(ycc) tool. , please mention cobrandid, soap url using , it.

jquery - get css value for variable -

i have made basic social slider bar hides @ side of site, slides out on hover. works if give jquery set values current css 'left' property, when try , left property , set variable script stops working. have missed something? $('#slider').mouseenter(function () { var cssleft = $(this).css('left'); if ($('#slider').css('left') === "cssleft") { $(this).animate({ left: '0' }, 300, function () {}); } else { $(this).animate({ left: ("cssleft" + 'px') }, 100, function () {}); } }); $('#slider').mouseleave(function () { $(this).delay(1000).animate({ left: ("cssleft" + 'px') }, 500, function () {}); }); there working version set values here thanks guys! define , initialize left offset variable outside of jquery actions: var cssleft = $('#slider')...

java - http POST Formatting Issue - As array, list? -

i attempting make "freebusy" request connect google calendar api. stuck on formatting http post. getting error: { "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "reason": "parseerror", "message": "parse error" } ], "code": 400, "message": "parse error" } } i attempting format request this: { "timemin": datetime, "timemax": datetime, "timezone": string, "groupexpansionmax": integer, "calendarexpansionmax": integer, "items": [ { "id": string } ] } and doing format it: string[] stringpairs = new string[]{ "timemin", date1, "timemax", date2, "items[]", calendarid, "timezone", "canada/toronto"}; //create ...

jquery - SmoothDivScroll plugin - IE locks up completely when dragging scroller to the left -

i've set smoothdivscroll plugin 1.3 on page, within popup window. simplified init function, fires plugin , sets width of scrollable area based on length of content: $('.slider').smoothdivscroll({ hotspotscrolling: false, touchscrolling: true, manualcontinuousscrolling: true }).find('.scrollablearea').css('width', count * 140 ); simplified markup: <div class='slider'> <div class="portrait" style="background-image: url(img/bios/testing-thumb1.jpg);"></div> <div class="portrait" style="background-image: url(img/bios/testing-thumb2.jpg);"></div> <div class="portrait" style="background-image: url(img/bios/testing-thumb3.jpg);"></div> </div> css, 'scrollwrapper' , 'scrollablearea' both created plugin when initialized: .slider { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; border-top: 2px solid #000; border-bottom:...

Avoiding redeclaration for transactions in Xquery -

given: let $name := '751-1500' return xdmp:node-delete(doc(concat('/', $name, '.xml'))//foo); let $name := '751-1500' return xdmp:node-delete(doc(concat('/', $name, '.xml'))//bar); let $name := '751-1500' return xdmp:node-delete(doc(concat('/', $name, '.xml'))//baz); how can avoid having redeclare $name? using separate transactions i'm not sure there nice way this. can declare variable external. still have declared multiple times, have assign once when called via xdmp:invoke (or xdmp:eval ): declare variable $name xs:string external ; xdmp:node-delete(doc(concat('/', $name, '.xml'))//foo); declare variable $name xs:string external ; xdmp:node-delete(doc(concat('/', $name, '.xml'))//bar); declare variable $name xs:string external ; xdmp:node-delete(doc(concat('/', $name, '.xml'))//baz); then can call module multiple times using in...

javascript - Re-filling an array when it is null -

hi there wonder if help. i have random number generator when press button reduces amount of numbers in array ie. 1 got randomised has been used , removed. var crds = math.floor((math.random()*myarray.length)); myarray = ["2","4","6","8","10","100","20","bingo!"]; array.prototype.removebyindex = function(index){ this.splice(index,1) } i have not included attachements button presses code tells story - when button pressed splices array via index of number randomised. not know how re-initialise array when numbers have been removed. if(myarray[crds]==null){ myarray = ["2","4","6","8","10","100","20","bingo!"]; } any appreicated try this if (myarray.length == 0) { myarray = ["2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "100", "20", "bingo!...

sql - Percentile_cont / Oracle -

i using percentile_cont find percentile of distribution. table is: class_id rollnum marks 1 1 10 1 2 12 1 3 16 1 4 08 1 5 17 i using query select class_id, percentile_cont(0.05) within group (order marks) marksperntl mytable group class_id now, possible query roll number got percentile? the percentile_cont function interpolates values, giving value of marks fall 5% percentile in distribution. running query above data return ( sqlfiddle @bob jarvis's comment): | class_id | marksperntl | -------------------------- | 1 | 8.4 | your data set not contain rows marks 8.4 . therefore, there isn't single rollnum value got percentile.

Mule Management Console customization -

we need customize mule management console. kindly let know process/link related documentation. example customization - jmx bean display - value part text box small - large string values needs wrap, create new tab query purpose based on mbean data or other information. thanks unlikely supported because deployed war within tomcat. might able force tomcat (via modifing unpacked war files) load own css, you'll have afresh each time new version of mmc comes out. the customization i'm aware of can found here:

javascript - How to open a file with epiceditor? -

i have following file structure and in content.php have following js code var file = "" var opts = { basepath: "", container: 'epiceditor', textarea: null, basepath: 'epiceditor', clientsidestorage: true, localstoragename: 'epiceditor', usenativefullscreen: true, parser: marked, file: { name: 'epiceditor', defaultcontent: '', autosave: 100 }, theme: { base: '/themes/base/epiceditor.css', preview: '/themes/preview/preview-dark.css', editor: '/themes/editor/epic-dark.css' }, button: { preview: true, fullscreen: true }, focusonload: false, shortcut: { ...

java - How do you use type arguments in a Spring Data custom method implementation? -

per spring data commons documentation , adding custom method implementation spring data repository quite simple: interface userrepositorycustom { public void somecustommethod(user user); } class userrepositorycustomimpl implements userrepositorycustom { public void somecustommethod(user user) { // custom implementation } } public interface userrepository extends jparepository<user, long>, userrepositorycustom { } however, can't figure out is, if want use type arguments? example: interface searchablerepository<t> { public page<t> search(string query, pageable page); } class searchablerepositoryimpl<t> implements searchablerepository<t> { public page<t> search(string query, pageable page) { // right here, need class<t> of t can create // jpa query } } public interface userrepository extends jparepository<user, long>, searchablerepository<user> { } publi...

android - Robotium new line in EditText -

is possible make line break in edittext using robotium? i tried solo.clickonview(et); solo.(keyevent.keycode_enter); as as solo.typetext(et, "\n"); both not working. any ideas? first of all, please make sure edittext support multiple lines. then found cases, inputing multiple lines works me when use entertext instead of typetext. e.g. solo.entertext(et, "\n");

git - Falling back / 3-way messages in rebase -

when rebase on remote tracking branch master, following message $ git rebase origin/master first, rewinding head replay work on top of it... applying: 'xxx' using index info reconstruct base tree... falling patching base , 3-way merge... what "patching base" mean here? 3-way merges done on file file basis? there way disable them?

oracle - Connect by clause to get the top of hierarchy -

i facing issue while using connect by clause in oracle finding hierarchical data. let me give example: parent part has child part b , b has child part c. when using connect by clause able 3 levels want top level, i.e. a. oracle has level pseudocolumn can use: select, mytable.parentid mytable level = 1 connect prior = mytable.parentid to find top-level (root) value level, precede column name connect_by_root operator: select, mytable.parentid, connect_by_root "top level id" mytable connect prior = mytable.parentid

android ndk - Subclass a C++ abstract class in Java using JNI -

i have c++ library have use in existing android implementation. i'm using android ndk , using c++ classes via jni. however, not able find how subclass c++ abstract class in java using jni. problems face: aim provide java implementation virtual methods in c++ subclassing abstract c++ class. have loaded native library , i'm trying declare native methods. c++ methods have keyword 'virtual'. when declare native functions in java after loading c++ library, 'virtual' not recognized. wrong here? any appreciated. i'm newbie jni. in advance. let's consider have c++ class: class ivehicle { public: virtual void run() {}; // not-pure virtual here simplicity of wrapper, pure (see end of post) virtual int getsize() const; // want reuse in java }; we want create class bot in java extends class ivehicle in sense calls super invoke c++ code ivehicle::getsize() and, c++ point of view, can use instances of bot ivehicle* variables. tha...

Highcharts display date as series label from JSON data? -

i have data can either weekly or monthly gets returned json. can explain how can return series in payload group each series? is, display x-axis label? i want use 1 chart display (weekly, monthly, daily) json data payload use 1 chart display json payload either time slice. for example: weekly payload: [ { "date-label":"week 24", "series1":789118, "series2":49475, }, { "date-label":"week 25", "series1":5759546, "series2":286657, } ] monthly payload: [ { "date-label":"june", "series1":789118, "series2":49475, }, { "date-label":"july", "series1":5759546, "series2":286657, } ] how many points have? if there couple (~10?) can use categories, , result should be: new hig...

tagging - why does admin UI not add tags section for some models using django-taggit? -

i new django , using django-taggit 0.10a1 tagging functionality in django 1.4.2 application. tried django-tagging app project not maintained , django-taggit had lot of positive reviews developers, opted that. i wondering if of can me problem seeing. after following documentation , added : tags = taggablemanager() to models need tagging. of models automatically added tags section in django admin documentation specified, of models, tags section doesn't show on admin ui. not able figure out why. here couple of models have tags line declared after fields. if see wrong in placement of statement in model, , if can let me know if see issue, appreciate it. sample non-working models taggablemanager follows: digitalobject model class digitalobject(models.model): title = models.charfield(max_length=255, verbose_name=_("title")) ascii_title = models.charfield(max_length=255, verbose_name=_("ascii title")) title_variants = models.charfield(max_le...

javascript - Cannot extract data from TD if there is span in front -

i need help. because of way ie7 chooses ignore td: whitespace: nowrap, forced put , use spans in front of td's here's delema. when click on table row has no spans in between td's, coding able extract data , highlight row. however, when introduce span in between td's , click select single cell in table row spans's following error: "cells.0 null or not object." know if click little bit off side of table cell works, need able click on <td> , <span> areas , have code work. since making table have <span></span> 's in between <td> 's how can existing coding reformatted accomodate difference <td>data</td> <td><span>data</span></td> ? no jquery please. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> #data tr.normal td { color: #235a81; background-color: white; } #data tr.highlighted td { color: #ffffff; background-color...